Um here we go, let’s go, let’s go let’s go morning good morning here we go, look what we got we missed.
We are ready to go, got a couple of guests ready to move.
That’s right! Everybody! You know what we do.
This is the car guy coffee show.
Unless i am blue, let’s prove oh, no got you a freestyle all right.
So anyhow, you guys.
We appreciate you for jumping on, and today we have two special guests right after this right after this video we’re gon na go ahead and talk about it, but y’all stay tuned.
Do not miss this share this if you’re watching it right now and guess what it is time for so , [ Applause, ], , oh ! Yes, welcome back all right! Welcome back to the party, everybody! That’s how we do we like to get the day started right, all y’all out there are you car guys, car gals people who are just watching? Thank you for tuning in this morning.
Solutionaries! That’s what we are rise, let’s process time to rise.
Let’s go so we have we go.
We have two two local car, guys that are doing some things.
Some move makers that are just i’m excited to have on the show.
You know one thing that lou and i we’ve been wanting to do – is we wanted to spotlight a lot of the local car guys and car gals out here, because we do a lot of reaching out to new york reaching out to l.
a reaching out to florida? We have all these guests from all over the place, but one thing we haven’t had a chance to really is get with the local guys and man.
You know chase reached out to me and said: hey me and rail.
We want to get up on the show and i was like absolutely man what a great way to get the show going.
One thing i know, and these two guys i know both these guys.
I i don’t know i’m like best friends, best friends, but i know of them.
I’ve met them.
I’ve seen them tyrell’s a little bit younger me, but he his brother, grew up with me and he grew up with my brother who’s a little bit younger my brother’s in the car game too.
Then you got chase chase.
I’ve known chase’s pops for many years.
So it’s so cool to have chase out here, because i i don’t know if i ever met chase when he was a little kid, but i could tell you he was a little kid when i met his dad.
So it’s definitely really cool to see him doing his thing and it’s it’s fun to watch these fast trackers come out in this business and have the type of attitude that they have.
You know there’s many reasons why guys like chase guys, like you know, t could be like you know what this business is horrible.
I don’t want to be part of it, but they both have made decisions, and i had a little conversation with him yesterday and i’m going to say you know chase made a really good point and i love what he said.
He goes.
You know once you make once you make that decision to treat the car business not like a job but to treat it like a career.
It’s a game, changer and he’s still right about that, and i’m gon na i’m gon na talk to chase a little bit more about that here in a little bit, because i think that’s a great point so um.
That being said, you anything you want going on that losing first things.
First, first things: first, you know what it is.
Oh no, before we get too in depth with getting into the conversation and a cup of coffee, with some incredible car, guys uh, we got to make sure that we do what it is that we do to make sure we keep growing.
You know: what’s up, you know what that is.
Everybody join me incredible car guys that you are welcome to the cafe, but first things.
First, let’s go ahead and wipe off the weight of unforgiveness we’re going to focus on what it is that we got to do and we’re going to fly to higher heights than ever before.
So join me together.
Let’s fly one two: three forgive focus live, keep going growing, keep growing growing, keep growing.
Let me tell you something folks.
These individuals that are inside, of the cafe with us right now are people that have overcome incredible different spots of adversity, whether it’s it’s fighting against the system, inside of the way that society works to help and not to help people or it’s overcoming things physically and Overcoming things mentally in order to succeed inside of their field, they are truly solutionaries.
They are truly people that have are putting to practice today right now, as we speak, um the actual ingredients that it takes to brew solutions everywhere that they are but they’re not just kind of doing it, they’re doing it successfully they’re they’re, they may not.
Have anybody singing a song to them? They may not have a bunch of people clapping for them inside inside of inside of a meeting, because the people that they are clapping for them are driving rides right now, right those people are clapping.
Every time they put some gas inside of the the gas pump, these people are doing what it takes to continue life moving in the right direction because they found somebody that at heart wanted to help them.
And these guys are those guys – and you guys are those guys if you’re on the car, guy, coffee, podcast and you’re brewing solutions.
So i just want to let you know that i i do honor.
We do tribute those that are doing incredible things and want to make sure that all of you that are doing great things too, come out here.
Share your great news.
Share your dreams.
Show you off.
We want to show everybody what it looks like.
We need to show the world care for your customer and be successful.
We need to show the world that there’s car people out there that really truly do this as a real life like this is what they want to do: they’re passionate about it, not just hey.
I’m doing this for the job i’ll make a little cash in my pocket.
It’s there’s a difference when you’re out there to service people, the money’s gon na come and leaps and bound, i mean you’re, talking, it’ll stack up, chase, yeah and you’re, trying to yeah it’ll chase you right man and it’s this business is plentiful.
There’s plenty of money in this business.
Here’s like the one, the the beautiful thing about the card business is that you’re everybody’s always wanting a nicer newer vehicle.
That’s what’s beautiful about this business! So as long as you can understand that it’ll be in your mind that everybody that you talk to, they want a nice newer vehicle.
You just got to figure out what is the best way, the best path for them to be able to play.
If you talk to them they’re car shopping, you know what i mean, no doubt chase get it.
Yes, yes! So, let’s see we got some guests that jumped down here we got denise butt masters, no pun intended, but hey denise from georgia love it she’s.
Also, a car woman for 25 years, hey wow that is you’re talking about a quarter of a century doing this business.
You definitely know.
What’s up, we got tiana, thank you for jumping on here, so yeah.
So that’s first couple things there.
So, anyhow, what we’re going to talk about? Let’s go ahead.
Let’s go right in.
I know you’re going to go ahead and you go ahead and hit them.
I got some key things that i think we need to make sure that people kind of get a grip on that they’re going through right now and they’re implementing inside of their process.
But i know how excited that you are.
I know how excited that they are to start sharing, so we’re going to go ahead and figure out who is going to kick it off first, which one of you are we going to jump in with whatever we’re going to go ahead and since he went ahead And opened up the book, i can go, go ahead and hit chase chase so chase man.
We appreciate you coming on the show guys for everyone out there who’s watching this.
If you don’t know who chase is you need to check his social media out this guy’s? A trip he’s uh he’s definitely been through some stuff in this business now chase, i’m gon na.
Let you tell the story, but before we do, i just want to ask you one quick question.
I want to ask both of you in in terrell.
This question is: when you wake up every single day – and i like to ask this to everybody – everybody, it always needs to start with the wanted question.
It’s the standard question, so i kind of mentioned this to you guys yesterday, there’s a purpose and there’s a reason why we all do what we do when you wake up.
You can easily just say you know what screw today, i’m gon na call in sick or i’m gon na.
Do this or i’m just gon na, go to work and just sit around and do nothing? What makes you get up, get to work and grind it out? What’s your purpose, i mean there, it would be two things.
It would be.
Obviously uh money.
It would be what everybody’s going to say, because i’m not going to act like i’m, not in it.
For the money i mean that’s down right flat, i’m in it for the gross, that’s how we roll so.
But the second thing would just be to to be a role model and to show everybody that if you can, if you can get up and you can grind, you can succeed and if i can do it of all people with you know, with facing some physical Limitations or adversity than anybody can you know so uh.
Now i did it before i had a car accident which i’ll get into that, but after afterward i still you know i i didn’t miss a beat.
I just kept rolling, so i’m in it for to prove to everybody that this is.
This is a good good spot to be sales in general or car sales and car management, and then uh with the right driving focus.
Anything’s possible and you’ll make your munch.
No doubt no doubt, and i think that’s a very, very good point and um.
You know that’s what this business is about.
You found your purpose, you do all those things and the money, no doubt i mean i’m gon na tell you.
I mean it’s business.
I wouldn’t have done this job if it wasn’t for the advertising.
That said, sixty thousand dollars a year.
Now he saw eighty i saw sixty and that made me go i’m in, but now, if you make 60 you’re kind of like what the heck right so like yeah, that’s why this business is beautiful.
I love it.
I absolutely am just like so passionate about it.
So i’m so glad that we, you feel the same way now.
I think that you’re, anybody out there who says they’re not driven by a little bit about the money in this business, they’re lying to you or they, because they would do something completely different.
It doesn’t work a factory job, you know eight hours a day and i know exactly when i’m gon na get off what i’m doing.
Hey hey.
If you don’t think the car business is not, it is fun, then you, you know, i think you shouldn’t be in it.
You shouldn’t be in it.
That’s right.
I had so much fun, that’s exactly right, so so t rel.
What’s up man, let me know: what’s up man, what’s your purpose, man, what’s your? Why why man i get up every morning and you know you there, you know once you once you reach a level you want to maintain a lifestyle.
It’s not so much as is as getting there that it’s maintaining it.
You know a lot of people get it, but a lot of people will lose it.
So you know family family.
First man, i mean you got family kids in college.
You know things of that nature, but the one thing you want to do like chase said you want to have fun.
I can’t go to work and be around a bunch of stick in the muds.
I can’t i can’t be in that kind of environment uh.
Nobody likes to walk on eggshells.
This is all it’s all.
You know something that’ll bring you bring you to another level of life, no matter where you are in your your life or situation.
If you get into the car business – and you make this a career one of the first owners i ever worked for, he had an acronym for the word job.
That means just over broke.
So you move to this with a career, mind, uh you’re, going to be successful, there’s no way that you’re not going to be successful.
If you come up with the right mindset, so you know you, you focus on your family focus on your career and just focus on what lifestyle do you want to have? Because if, if you put forth the work or the effort, you can obtain that and that’s just um, you know chasing our perfectly good examples once you focus on that statement of it being a career over a job.
Once you focus on that, then all your focus is is in the right direction, because it’s that’s, this will provide for you and once you make up your mind that this is what i’m gon na.
Do i’m gon na give this my all i’m gon na.
Do my follow-up, i’m gon na do my calls i’m gon na i’m gon na.
Do all the tedious points that people scoff at at times or yeah, starting this business pretty much together.
You don’t have to hit yeah, probably within three to six months of each other.
At the same dealership, so you know we we’ve literally have grown from greenpeace to you know cool-fledged trees.
Now what store was that at tim frenchies 10 years ago, actually, 10 years ago? It was.
It was 10 years last summer, this past summer, yeah we uh.
We we came up so literally.
We literally came up in the business together uh to reach that most people will probably never see when you go to like them being selling five or six cars a month.
And then you really look up 10 years later.
You’re selling 30.
yeah so he’s exactly right, or is that even happening, and it happens because of that focus? It’s because you know you you wake up both feet, hit the ground uh or if you wake up your knees, hit the hit the floor.
You pray to god or whoever you know.
You’ve got a purpose and you know there’s people that you’ve got that are that are gon na that need you uh to be that person.
That’s gon na be a provider uh.
You know we we’re all we’re all examples of our you know of our situations, so you make the best of that situation.
Man, i love it.
You guys are speaking such truth right now.
I just want to let you keep keep talking, because you guys are doing a great hear us say stuff enough, because you know we, we try to practice what we preach and that’s the one thing you know.
I can tell you guys one thing that this whole podcast has done for us.
You know in case you guys are ever interested in doing something a little bit more.
You know trying to reach out, and you know trying to spread this love out, because that’s what this whole cafe the coffee.
We do this for no money.
We do this for fun.
We do this because we want to spread good news about the car business.
We do this because we want people to realize the car business.
Isn’t the old-school way.
You used to see those guys that were like you know the short you know short sleeve shirt with the tie and the pocket protector.
We’re not those guys we, we are those guys with some swag now, where are those guys who actually care about you, and if we did do it man we would look good yeah if i wasn’t sure when it’s high, i still would look fly.
Oh, don’t make me bust out the suit now, with the brown pants and whatnot we’re going to do.
We want to do a golf scramble day where we basically put on an outfit like the craziest dolphin outfit or the craziest car guy quintessential outfit, just something you know just looking silly uh, just you know having fun but you’re completely right and it’s so refreshing because You guys are a different generation as far as your time coming into this business and and learning and seeing different things.
So we’ve had the great honor to be around the country, training many different people across the country.
It was tim french who showed up to one of our events and pulled me out and we sat down and we built a relationship and we went and built that store.
I was a managing partner with them to create more points to that yeah.
Look temperate superstar rashes is dissolved, but i’ll tell you what there’s probably 11 10 12 managers that came from under that week, exactly yeah one location, a small little location there’s got to be at least 11 or 12 managers out there in hardin county alone.
You know to me tim fritz was a great lesson.
You know it was a great yeah.
It was like college or something right.
It was.
It was what um so happened.
Listen to that point, though, real quick, because there’s a lot of you listeners out there that that don’t know who tim french is you don’t know where it is uh that we are, and you don’t really know what it is uh that uh that we’re doing we’re Saying when we refer to these places so consider this okay consider a place where you’ve taken a great car guy, with some great knowledge, great uh use of resources and took those strengths that he had from building up three great dealer groups in a region right went Into starting, his own store was very connected, of course, with other people that were doing sales all throughout the nation.
Okay, some of the greatest and best people came in and out of our region, uh doing staffed event sales.
Many of you know them the mailers, the flyers you bring in a team of horses that come in and they hold down the sale.
That’s what we did for many of our days in life right.
We grew up, you know, and one of those things is, you know a lot of people, you know road sales or what have you um? Those road guys will challenge the dealership.
They expect to do it to lay down we weren’t allowed to oh yeah.
That’s right! You know what i’m gon na tell you something i’m and i’m not, and i’m not trying to you know brag a little bit, but you know obviously i’ve been in this area for 18 years selling cars that location in radcliff.
They used to be the kia store right.
I worked there for many years, making six figures as a salesperson like it was nothing back in the like.
You know, early 2000s beautiful little spot, tim french was the general manager of the store at the time.
So we did a lot of road sales too, so i feel what you guys are talking about, but let me tell you: hardin county is a special breeding ground for good people.
I don’t know what it is.
I don’t know why it is, but even before y’all’s time, there’s people coming up in the business that are just monsters in this business right now, still that are out there either on the road they’re at dealerships now currently, just like y’all’s generation of guys who came Up there’s something super special about radcliff and it’s i don’t know if it’s, because it’s a military town, though the military doesn’t really affect us like it used to when i first got into business, yeah right when i first got in yeah, i had btus pulling up On a lot left and right now you don’t see that i showed up in my second interview with people yeah, you know what i mean.
You know.
I remember when lou showed up, you know and that’s the thing like so the business is it’s in the area.
I don’t know if that’s what it is, or maybe it’s because a lot of us are military children and we’ve been around it.
So we understand the different cultures and how it is to fit in with people that you’ve never been around.
You know yeah and that’s what helped me i’m a unique person.
That’s what helped me out a lot too.
You know going yeah, no matter, you know military background and you know traveling.
You know you.
You walk to someone, that’s korean you’re, like honey.
I see you unless you know you’ve broken the ice.
You know what you know what’s up and you know how to treat a korean customer, especially a woman there’s a certain way.
You treat them and it’s it’s respect, but you let them do their thing, you let them talk their smack and you just go with it have fun right.
You understand that they’re going to tell you it’s too high, come on now, [ Laughter, ], mirror of the customers chase will tell you.
I don’t care if a guy pulls up with a rebel flag.
That’s my boy! Yeah! After your boy, what’s your accent gets a little thicker there you go ran to those customers.
He wanted to up them.
You know what those are the best ones, the ones that are awkward because you could be like you don’t want to buy it from me, because i don’t know why.
Let me ask you want me to get you a different salesperson.
You guys.
I love it because i do know that you guys have the same type of mentality that lou and i have when it comes to closing deals.
I know you guys are closers, not just car people, but your closers.
You know what i mean there: there’s not a lot of closers in this business and to be a closer is a special special skill and it’s and honestly man, radcliff, has tons of closers, and i love that and i love that this hard county area has produced.
So many that are just blow your mind, don’t get me wrong.
There’s a lot of weak sticks here in this area too.
We all know it.
That’s why we we are proficient at what we do, but i can tell you you know we’re having you guys on the show, because i know you guys are x factor type guys, and i do appreciate you guys coming on now, real quick man.
I uh we’re talking we’re.
I was talking to you, know rel yesterday and he’s telling me that he knows lou because he all used to battle a little bit right.
Yeah mix it up with the music.
You know hip-hop yeah, that’s where i started.
I love.
I love you know, he’s rocking that yankee hat you know, i’m feeling it, but the great thing well with with terrell when, when he first like okay, you got all of our friends that hi, that’s all hyped up.
You know you got this kid over here.
That can spit i’m the greatest spitter, i’m the greatest alive right, i’m the best.
There is right there ain’t, nobody better than me.
Nowhere right! That’s that’s my mentality and that’s his mentality coming up into the mix and we’re outside of a burger king.
You know what i mean, i’m in a burger king, uniform.
You know what i mean.
Oh, is it that does it go back that far yeah, oh yeah, i thought it was harvesting.
What are you guys doing, the old like 80 style? You know what i mean like like different little situations.
You know in life and that’s the thing guys.
I mean it’s no matter, no matter where you start you get into this business, you treat it like it’s going to be what you want to do your career.
You say i can hand it.
I can give this 30 years of my life.
You know you apply all that knowledge from you know, from birth, from uh traveling the world from just meeting other people, you’ve picked up little bits and pieces and that’s what we do in this business.
We pick up bits and pieces from each other.
You know this is all about networking and friends.
You know you can make a you, can make a lot of changes and adjustments to your craft just by watching what your friends do, and you can also grow by your network if you’re networking with people that that have the same goals as you you’re gon na You’re gon na obtain some knowledge and you’re gon na get you’re gon na grow even more by adding it.
You know adding it to you to your bag.
Man i mean you want to have something in your bag chase.
Let me tell you something: i tell people to this day, i’m like he’s one of the probably one of the top two or three sales people i’ve ever worked with, but it’s you know the man is fluid.
His approach is the same.
However, he can shape it to the customer, no matter what it is.
It doesn’t matter where they’re from they can be coming out of the back woods of eastern kentucky or they can be coming out of the what the west end of louisville and we just know how to vibe with those people they’re going to sit down they’re going To do one thing and they’re going to do the one thing you want to do you want them to trust you because that’s like telling you to say people are going to buy cars from people.
They trust you know, we’ve all seen it.
You know.
There’s always somebody that can’t close a customer that somebody else can come in and close well, they just didn’t match.
Well with that person.
That’s okay well or at some point, you’ve just exhausted yourself as a salesperson yeah.
You know knowing your limitations work if you’ve laid in and done your job as a salesperson a lot of times it’s proper to need a to for that last bump yeah and that’s it and that’s what i tell my guys all the time i’m like when you Do you because i’ll go in and take a turn, come back out two minutes later get the full pencil they’re like how’d.
You do that.
I said dude.
I always give them all the praise.
I’m like look, it was you i said you know you all know.
Josh perkins josh is yeah, he works for me or with i don’t say anybody works for me, we’re all co-workers, yeah your teammates yeah.
So but he uh.
He had a deal on saturday and i mean he did it all.
I came in and got the last offer that he was trying to get, but i was like dude you had just you had already got like three bumps: they weren’t that last one it had to go to somebody else.
You know and that’s it and sometimes it’s just going in and saying the same stuff that was said already, but because i said it and i’m the manager i’m going to say they just want to see that final manager, yeah there’s there’s just it is and every Once in a while, it’s that case, but i give all the praise to my sales people for one getting the person here, two getting a commitment to purchase a car if terms and figures are agreeable, three showing the vehicle and doing it the right way.
Building the value in that vehicle where it exceeds the cost, the only thing i had to do was go in there and gladhead somebody, because hey man, everything’s good trust, me you’re, fine, sign right here.
You know what i mean.
That’s basically it here terrell said terrell said in the middle of that he was like net.
You know uh networking and if you’re, not picking learning from some everybody, i’m i if you’re not picking up something from everybody, you come across whether it’s good or bad.
In the car business you’re, not even you’re, not absorbing you’re, not i love it.
I love it if you’re, not every single salesperson, on your floor manager, if you don’t learn something from them, whether it’s their habits or their their work ethic or their follow-up or their their closings or their word tracks, uh their attendance, their dress, their appearance, then you’re, Not you’re, not even hey lazy, not even absorbing everything.
What’s one thing that you would tell a green pea right now to jump in the car business, what would you tell them right now? Dress down, listen, learn your inventory two boom! That’s the two two nicest things i can tell you agree: dress to impress and learn your inventory man.
I like it, i like it.
What would you tell them? Terrell, i tell them to just shut the hell up, i mean seriously, i mean just sit back and just watch and observe and listen, and then you got ta.
You got ta.
If this is gon na be a career, you got ta, invest time outside of the job site.
You know, you’re sure you got ta chase will tell you.
I was a grant.
Cardone head like i had like a huge huge grant.
Cardone theme about sales.
You know you should.
I was driven with the cardone experience and kept like 100 closes and that stuff is still in bed.
Ingraining me into me today i mean i still use all those yeah you have to you know.
Speaking of so let me let me let me touch base and sweet.
I know we don’t have limited time, i’m going to give a little bit of background when me and terrell got in this 10 years ago, and i’m thankful for the time we got in and where we got in.
We talked about it.
Tim french’s a used car sales dealership and radcliffe.
The reason i’m thankful is we got in like not pre-smartphone era, but right before everybody had smartphones.
So we got to see you know where iphones had just became a thing.
You know iphone.
I think the first iphone came out no 708.
We got in at 09 2009 2010, so we got in a couple.
People had smartphones, everybody still had their blackberry.
You know what i mean the next year or two everybody diverted you know or converted to a smartphone.
So we saw that whole change where it went from everybody kind of just shopped you versus the dealership next door to where now everybody shops you versus every dealership in the country.
So you know, and everybody’s got a smartphone from 13 years old to 85 years old.
So we’ve we’ve saw that and then we we came from a dealership.
You talked about the sales.
While we were at tim’s, i mean i would say terrell what do you think? We’ve done.
30 sales.
30 fast sales.
We do one every six weeks, yeah, we did one every six weeks for the four years terrell and i worked there.
So i mean i don’t know, that’s 30 40.
We were, and we saw so many different sales teams, and i learned once again: i learned the good, the bad and the ugly from them.
I learned to discover it right fast.
I learned it all quick.
I learned my best clothes from a guy that i met at tim french’s.
That was, i was a salesperson.
I was probably 21 years old and a guy that was on the road that was just a fly-by-night dude.
You know what i mean about that.
He just uh, he told me a club he’s actually deceased, but he told me he told me a uh a close and i’ve stuck with that thing for like nine years, and now it’s the best one.
I know to this day like it’s, the simplest too and i’ll share it with it.
Let’s go it’s, this is it’s when you were back from the test drive or now since you’re not going on it when they pull up.
It’s real simple, you know it’s! The three yeses, of course, that they, like you, did it right good.
Did it drive good? This pitcher wants the needs? Yes, yes, well, folks, if i can get everything right, is there any reason you wouldn’t do business with me? It’s a trap question.
If i can get everything right is i mean? How can they say no to that? Even if that’s a ridiculous number that i can’t get to, that would be everything right, they’re going to tell you no right then, and there.
If there’s an objection, you can go ahead and handle or they’re going to say, yeah you can get or they’re going to say yeah.
You can get my trade in yeah yeah.
That’s what i mean mr jones or mr customer.
If i can get everything right, your trade-in, my price, the payments, if i can get everything right, the reason you wouldn’t know them so far, it was it’s a trade.
You know, there’s no reason to say: no.
If you can’t get everything right, they’re going to say you know they don’t like the car, because after the you know, everything else is just hunting.
You know that the 3ms, the man, the money machine, that’s right.
I learned so much now.
Let me ask you: let me ask you this lance yeah all right.
What would you do to encourage someone? That’s in a drought, because we’ve all hit the we’ve all hit the wall, your head up and keep keep don’t get back to the basics.
We always say that, because sometimes you need to head check yourself, maybe you’re, sidestepping or shortcutting and then go just keep pounding, keep answering the phone keep taking up, because it’s going to your luck’s going to turn you’re going to sell three.
It’s the numbers game and that’s something i coach my guys on and i try to preach that to stay positive because i tell them this listen.
I have one guy cutting me man.
I’ve already brought you.
I brought you 15 apps in a row.
Out of all those 15 apps, i haven’t built and sell a car.
Oh yeah, i’ll, look at them and i look around the eye.
I said dude get excited they’re like what i said bro your next 15 are gon na, be fire because that’s numbers, that’s the way this works.
It’s the way this business is you keep the same attitude and you work hard.
Your next 15 law of averages tells me you’re going to have some bangers for one and you’re going to have more than the average person, because you’re doing 30 in a row you’re going to have your numbers are going to average out.
So keep that positive.
Another thing i tell my guys is this plan something every three months: that’s outside of work take a vacation, because if you don’t do these types of things and you don’t spend some time and have something to keep you motivated because we all need to recharge.
Sometimes it’s cool, i i’m a grinder.
You see me.
I work a lot i’m constantly either i’m either at work.
I’m doing my podcast, i’m doing this, i’m doing stuff with my family.
I’m constantly trying to keep my wheel of life balance, because i believe that if your life is balanced in every aspect, it runs a lot smoother.
You tend to be a lot happier.
You tend to find more enjoyment in work, your family, your friends and everything else that you do.
If you play ball, if you do, if you bowl whatever you do, if you love something and you balance it all out it all going to work out but like like you know, to touch your point, there is that you have to be.
That way.
I mean period you have to have that grind mentality, understand that yeah.
I’ve had some bad luck, but you know what, if i keep doing this eventually, i’m gon na have some banger luck.
I’m gon na have like that good stuff like or i hit three in a row that are just like boom boom boom, they’re all good deals.
They all say yes right or if you know and that’s the thing like yesterday, i had a salesperson.
Carry he’s been he’s been in the business for a while.
He started working with me recently and he got i’ve, never seen him so mad before got so mad over the insurance on a car.
I mean literally exploded.
So i looked.
I was like dude: it’s not that serious bro.
What happened he’ll blow up because the customer couldn’t afford it or something or they couldn’t.
He thought it was it wasn’t.
Even that wasn’t even the situation.
He, assuming things were going to happen badly because he was just you know, and so he took it and just got.
He started to panic and everything.
It’s like, oh dude, he almost like he wanted to break the table.
He goes this damn insurance company, i’m like bro, we’re on whoa we’re on a seven pound front, relax we’ll figure this damn thing out, yeah, we’ll figure this out do not let them leave.
Do not explode! This up, stay positive and stay smiling.
Bro we’re good to go.
Customers can sense that you know.
I tell guys you know when they’re down on themselves, i’m like look bro, don’t go out there with that customer like that you like do whatever you got to do fake it till you make it yeah like.
If you you know we’re we’re.
People are creatures of habit and i can tell if someone’s uh someone’s not in that kind of a mood right.
You know, if somebody’s, not in a in a real positive mood, i can always tell if it’s a customer manager.
What have you so you guys know how to work around that.
You know what i mean you got to keep growing.
You know, keep growing whatever you’re doing the positive things and and focus on those aspects.
You know once you, you know, we all have lives outside the dealership right right, everybody’s got a life outside the dealership.
Don’t let that stuff? Don’t let this stuff that’s going outside at home bog you down at work because you’ll stay in your head and that’s what a lot of salespeople do we get in our heads? You know especially we’re about to come up.
You know this is the summertime.
The summer is always great, we all know how it is, then, the winter you know and the winter comes and next thing you know you can you can take a 20 card month.
Guy he’s a 15 car a month guy, you know, take a take a take.
A 15 car a month girl, lady she’s, a 10 car a month, you know, and so those numbers we know that’s going to happen.
So what you want to do is you want to make sure that you’re, using some of that same approaches that you use in the summer when it was nice weather? You want to remember those times and you want to put that into practice and and here’s the thing for people that aren’t in a car business.
You know they always.
You know.
People come to me and like how many cars is a what’s a good amount of cars to sell in a week how many cars you sell in a week, and i look at them, i’m like it’s not about the short term.
It’s it’s! 365 days.
It’s 30 days.
I am you, don’t you don’t look at it day in a time a week at a time it’s i’ve got 30 days to get my job done.
I know where i want to be, and it’s beyond that right, it’s even beyond that, but it’s at the bare minimum.
Then you got 365 days and you got 10 years.
You’ve got to have five year 10-year plans yeah, it’s all about that plan.
Where do you want to be? Where are you going? You want four bedroom.
000 square foot homes, five bedroom.
You know you want a couple of acres.
Are you going to invest? Are you getting in the market? Are you you you’ve got to have these plans and that’s what keeps the guys that are on top on top.
You know, dealership man, you know they’re, not those the guys that are going into the stores and they’re like i’m gon na sell a car.
They’ve also got some other things that they want to sell those cars, so they can achieve.
You know, i i tell i tell guys all the time.
Man don’t make this the bottom.
You know you, you know you can keep going and keep growing at this man.
It’s just the way it is yeah.
I’ve seen i’ve seen guys go from literally.
I i’ll share a story about a kid that we had a kid named austin when he started tim’s kid didn’t even have a driver’s license and we discovered himself.
I mean you, don’t have a license like you got ta get you a driver’s license.
Get a kid! A driver’s license the next thing you know this kid was living at his aunt’s house.
Her mom’s house gets his own apartment, got him a banking car bank account and just started blossoming as a sales person.
You know now where he, wherever he took that beyond that point is on him, but you know you just watch somebody go from absolutely nothing to within a matter of weeks.
You know to have all of that and driving the car, and you know those are the simple things you know what i mean that you love to see, and i just like so many people, greenpeace or something that start think that it’s not uh or they don’t See the end game, you know nobody unless you guys come from just like super rich parents, which i i mean my dad’s, a car guy he’s successful off the car business, but i mean he didn’t know he didn’t hand me a silver platter.
I don’t have this big trust fund or anything.
If nobody, nobody told me where to invest.
Nobody told me that i had to set up my 401k now i took you got to hear this stuff like you’re hearing it right now on this podcast and you’ve got to take it and take action.
I heard what to do and i invested i do.
I do my own 401k.
You got to build your own retirement to make this because you make enough money in this business to make.
If you, this is what you want to do to not even worry about the rest of the things that people so many people back with this kind of job and be like.
Why need benefits, or i need something more steady? No, you need to learn how to put your money back and save, and – and you know you know you guys know what’s up – i don’t have this right, no so check this out so right, because these guys are incredible.
I can i love you into the future that we have a tyrell and chase show or a chase and tyrell show, and that’s what’s going on so we’re gon na add a little validity to that and welcome back to my show where we’re gon na ask a Couple questions from you that are gon na be key for car guys and car gals to actually put into place inside of their life.
Okay, so check this out real quick.
Let’s add some validity for this real fast terrell.
How many cars did you sell? Last month, sir, okay 29, in the middle of a pandemic right inside of this region, which is still trying to figure out what the heck is, the law.
And what is that right? Everything keeps changing okay and he is capable of so much more, has done more and is consistently leading things inside of his store, so i’m gon na position this both ways.
This question both sides here.
Okay, i love it all right.
What is it that you guys had to do to adapt most to the climate right now to begin delivering units, the way that a customer buys them terrell? What kind of store are you at you’re at a uh toyota, toyota store right and chase you’re at a premium used car superstore, yep, yeah, premium, pre-owned car store and the there’s still a frequency? That’s changed for the entire business.
What is it that you guys have done to adapt to that uh terrell in a new car store, bridging the two together.
What have you seen as being the biggest piece uh that could help somebody in adapting to right now right now, the one thing you have to do more.
I think your presentation, uh of features and benefits matter a whole lot more because right now we’re not going on test drive taking about 30 cars, and then i didn’t go on one test drive and we’ve all been told.
Robin’s your customer yeah yeah dude.
It’s still killing me as a manager telling the people they can’t ride with them.
I’m like oh yeah.
I know it’s kind of it’s been tough.
I can’t talk to this person because that’s where i like to do my bidding, you know what i mean.
So what i do, i bring it outside of the vehicle.
You know i trial clothes when they get back, i’m asking them the same trial, clothes questions.
I would ask them in the car come on.
Did you like the drive of the vehicle? Yes, yes, does this vehicle work for you? Yes, yes, if i get the numbers right, can i earn your business? I’m gon na ask for the sale.
I mean that’s, but but the adjustment is made in the beginning, because now i have to be more, i have to be more involved in the presentation of this vehicle from six feet away when i’m talking to them.
So i got to make sure that i’m conveying all the right things i’ve got to also sanitize my car.
You know so that my you know.
Customers want to see this if you, if you do this in front of your customers – and they know hey this guy’s taking his time to go that extra mile, just with a couple of baby wipes and wiping off their steering wheel and stuff like that, that stuff Works guys people see that i actually uh actually uh had to deliver, not deliver car, but i sold a vehicle and uh the the the the wife didn’t want to sit in the dealership.
She didn’t she wasn’t going on in any way, but she needed a ride home.
So i gave her a ride home.
Naturally you know we had our mask and everything, but she said the one thing she appreciated and she saw people sanitizing those tables.
You know that’s.
It’s just the small stuff like that.
You know it’s a new environment with this coven.
You know we’re it’s not anything we’re used to, and hopefully it won’t be something that’ll be around forever, but just adapt to it.
That’s it chase.
What about you? What have you you know? I wouldn’t i kind of agree with everything he said.
I don’t have anything extra to say.
Besides uh, you know beef up your presentation and uh trial close at the end, there’s not really anything too much different uh.
It gives you uh.
The only thing really different is it gives you a common subject.
You know you’re always.
I always tell people whether whether your customer has zero in common with you he’s always got something because we’ve got the weather.
We’ve got well now.
We’ve got copenhagen, you know so.
Okay, such a good way of thinking about that chase, there’s always a way to find common ground.
That’s right! So in this this common ground right now for all of us is the base level for us all right, we’re all dealing with a coveted situation.
Everybody is, and the customer immediately attaches to okay, so this is because of covert right, yeah yeah.
Why is this on sale we’ll cover because of cobit? Well, why is this? You know why? Why is that color over there? Whatever the answer is, it’s like the entire society is saying it’s because of covet.
You know what i mean it’s, because it’s a it’s a it’s a good way to just throw it out there, man, but it’s helped you.
What have you been doing inside of your setups, because i know that your setup has to be key before you really begin that process you’re, probably laying down some groundwork beforehand, so that they understand how this ride is going to go? How has that differentiated from what we were doing in the past, or what have you seen happening inside of your setup now to where it’s almost like man, they’re just jumping on the rails and and blowing with it? You know i’ve noticed that i noticed that a lot of people are coming out and they’re they are assuming that dealerships are desperate for car deals.
I think that’s a misconception so right now.
I just break that misconception.
To begin with, you know i i will tell the customer.
You know that i can hear it in their voice.
They’re thinking that hey, oh, you guys, aren’t busy, i’m like.
No, actually we broke a record last month.
Sorry they’re, like wow, like i’m good for you, you know they’re happy about that yeah.
We want you to be successful too.
They don’t want you to just be down.
You know so so when, when they start to understand that hey people are buying cars, guess what that gets to get the blood flowing you can now you got somebody a little bit more interested because maybe they just came in and thinking that hey, i’m gon na Steal one now they’re like oh, oh now, i might have to play ball with this guy.
I’m not just gon na walk out the door and steal it and that’s what you got.
Ta tell a lot of your sales guys, even if you’re doing slow, even if it ain’t great tell them we’re doing fantastic.
You know what i mean: it’s like bad marriages.
I’ve seen people do it, they’re like they get, they get coffee and they get in the car and they just argue the entire time fake it till you make it, but we, but the department is strong right now.
I’m sure you guys know that so so.
Posturing them one in a way that lets everybody know hey, it’s really, not us that are scarce.
Of course, it’s actually you, mr customer.
That needs to take advantage of this moment, because one thing that we all know is car guys is, if you’re out looking for a car right now you need a car, yeah, you’re you’re, trying to get this done.
Yeah you’re not gon na, come out to the dealership during copenhagen.
Unless you really need a vehicle, you guys want to minimize it’s like a rainy day when they show the amount of exposure we want to.
They want to minimize the amount of exposure they have to people because that’s being passed into our head right, minimize that so it goes with car guys right.
It goes with us too.
So virtually things have been changing.
Uh chase inside of the used car uh segment.
How has uh things changed for you guys um being able to connect uh the customer to what they’re looking for when you don’t have major corporate dollars going to putting out that message to them? Uh you you talking about just like landing the customer necessarily on a vehicle or connection.
No, no, i mean more, like uh in your setup, to setting up that uh that appointment for that customer.
That’s probably wanting to try to do as much as they can over the phone.
How are you setting them up differently now? Well, i don’t ever i’m.
I know a lot of managers are different.
I’m never opposed to getting uh.
You know, obviously through secured way.
I’m not opposed to getting their credit and stuff getting them pre-qualified over the phone um.
Obviously, at that point, we’re gon na sell the appointment, uh and then you know tell them that the car’s been pulled up.
It’s been sanitized, like terrell, said that the simple steps that we’re going through during the pandemic to ensure everybody that this is real, easy, i think, kind of once.
They show up they’re expecting a little different process, but they’re kind of seeing that it’s not too far from different.
You know we just have a mask on we’ve got the car pulled up, you do your your presentation and make copy their license.
Let them drive and um.
I i think i i don’t know if you guys feel like this is managers, and it’s been so tough on me, letting them let my because i feel like my sales people don’t want to test drive.
It don’t want to go on the job.
The guys who didn’t want a test drive are loving this right now, yeah.
I want to tell them you know so badly to go on, but obviously it’s okay and it.
I don’t feel like we’re missing business because we’re not going on test drives, mainly because no other dealerships are, but it doesn’t feel you know i was.
I was brought up that the trial close was took place on the test drive that was such an imperative part to closing, and so it’s just totally thrown me off with the trial closed not taking place on the test, drive and um, but it’s not it’s not.
Doesn’t seem, i can’t say that it’s affecting it because we’re doing fine, yeah yeah and you guys definitely are both of you.
Both your stores are doing great.
You know, the thing is is like anything else, your your attitude’s always going to determine your altitude.
So as long as you maintain that positivity and it all starts from the top, so so guys like chase, you know when you’re when you’re a leader on the floor, you have to be that guy.
You know guys like terrell.
I know that you man, you could probably go, get a manager job anywhere.
You really want to i’m sure, but you’re working at a place that you’re producing.
Well, you don’t have to worry about everybody else.
You worry about yourself, but i know based off of how you post, based off of how you are that you do care about everybody on youtube.
You can hear it.
Did you actually honor the guys that hit those huge numbers that actually you know get up? You mentioned somebody got like 60 something cars last month or something dude.
I’ve got man.
We’ve got a guy right now, making 30k a month in this right now, hanging out 30 he’s making it 30 000 put 125 000 in front gross last month.
Got ta love.
It dude there’s some monsters out there and that’s okay.
I used to think that i had to be the best person in the dealership.
You got ta just somebody’s gon na be better than you.
I promise you i’m gon na tell you my, and i tell this to everybody, and i believe this in myself i like to be the best too.
Don’t get me wrong, but i’m not in competition with you, i’m not in competition with lou.
I’m not i’m in competition with myself.
I just got to be better than i was yesterday and if i’m better than i was yesterday holy crap, i’m a stud.
That’s how i look at it.
You know, and so to kind of bring this all full circle.
Everybody in the very first meeting with tyrell – and i it was a bunch of us getting together to just battle it out and be able to spit rhymes and give our best words hot fire right in order to minimize the other person that a lot has matured.
Since then, a lot has changed since then we have all grown into different people since then, like we were talking about the different classes, the different ages, maybe that we are inside of this business.
They came into a store that what was what’s year again, because i started 809.
– something okay, yeah all right, so we’re about a a year and a half apart in ins just inside of that time frame right, but they are now growing and pouring back out.
I believe that the key way for you to really really learn something is to teach it, and you can hear their heart as they’re, trying to make sure that you all out there are getting the information that it takes for you to implement it and see success Inside of your world, they’re, not just doing it with the people that work with them, but they’re.