Have you ever stayed up late and we’re trying to brainstorm, and you just couldn’t stay awake? What would you do if you were too tired? What would you do if you were losing all your money? What would you do if you were going to lose your job? What would you do if people told you you were ugly? What would you do if your bank account was negative, [, Music ]? What would you do if the last customer you dealt with told you, i ain’t buying anything from you.

Why, in the hell, are you not drinking card guy coffee? No, this thing’s brewing, your lip is delicious.
Just one sip will change everything.

About Richie Bello

Richie Bello has a vast knowledge of the automotive industry, so most of his services are faced towards automotive dealerships. He couples all his skills with the power of the internet to render even remote services to clients in need of a little brushing

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