Hey Brian Maxwell here, lakeshore I’ll here in Slidell, Louisiana, lakeshore, Chrysler Jeep and what I want to talk about.
I’m doing one of my doing a sales training class for the UH for the dealership here and one of the things this morning that I really wanted to key on and just ask is what is the very first thing that you’re doing when you bring a guest Into your dealership now, typically, what most sales people want to do? They want to bring the person back and run them to the desk and sit them down and then start trying to talk about numbers.
I talked about that car car car, where the real skill sales professionals do when they bring a person in the very first thing that they do, and the very first thing you should do is you should ask them what they like any coffee, water or whatever type Of beverage or refreshment, it is that your dealership offers.
Let me explain why, when we sitting down with a guest, so excuse my hair when we’re sitting down with, I guess we’re expecting them to give us personal information about themselves about what they’re looking for about where their finances are, is where they think their credit is.
We ask for a lot of personal and private information now under, what’s called the law of reciprocity and reciprocity to reciprocate, meaning in order for us to give, we expect to receive, and vice versa, so understanding the law of reciprocity.
What that means is that every opportunity you have to give your guests something as they come in whether it be offering them a coffee, freshmen, a beverage, coffee or water, as opposed to saying, do you want something to drink, which is a closing question? Ask him? Would you like any coffee, water, Danish donut? Typically, the response when we pulled it out to over 700 customers is typically I’m fine or I’m? Okay, very rarely do they say no, but you’re offering them some tympani give them something whether you’re giving them a compliment, offering them a beverage giving them of your ear, because if we expect these people to be willing to listen to our expertise on why they should Do business with us, we have to be willing to listen to them first, but it all starts by the sales consultant at the dealership finding a way that they can be a giver.
Therefore, when it’s time for the customer to give us something, there is a lot easier, I highly suggest don’t take what I’m saying is, as fact, research, the law of reciprocity and how works in sales every opportunity you have to give your guests something that’s relevant.
That’s useful, even though there’s something simple as a compliment: it really helps tilt the balance scale their force and when you ask them to give you something, it’s a lot more likely.
So the very first thing you should do when you bring a guest into your dealership, isn’t to try to sit them down and start talking about numbers and vehicles and all that find a way that you can be a giver if they come in and they specifically Know what vehicle it is they’re interested in give them a brochure still offer them a refreshment um ask them questions.
Give them your ear.
Give them your undivided attention, because that’s what we want for them.
If you’re gon na go out and you’re gon na ask somebody especially on the lot, which is crazy, you know what type of credit you have, what a type of money do you have? What are you looking for we’re asking personal private information? They don’t know us from a stranger that they just saw that morning and here we are asking them all.
That is private information and that’s where the ball gets dropped.
That’s why people that resist it they’ll tell us.
No, they don’t have money.
No, they don’t want anything.
No, they don’t want to buy anything.
Why? Because they don’t know you and due to the popular perception from the past, which is rightfully earned they’re terrified, to be honest with you, because they believe you’re going to use it against them.
So if they go to ten different dealerships, ten sales people are gon na walk out to them.
Ask them.
Can I help you, which is ridiculous? It’s gon na bounce them around vehicle-to-vehicle, trying to maybe put them on the wrong car very rarely gives them their name.
Never invites them inside doesn’t give them anything, and then, when it’s time for them to receive some from the customer, they wondering why this person is so standoffish and so hesitant to give them information.
Well, you haven’t given them a good reason to think about a relationship.
If you give somebody your attention, it’s a lot more likely that they’ll give it back.
If you want somebody to start cooking, you should start cooking.
If you want somebody to clean, you start doing it first, the more that we give we receive and there’s a popular phrase.
That’s in one of the most popular books the world has ever known, and it says it’s better to the give to receive better to give than to receive that’s, not just a bumper sticker.
That is a formula for success.
So when you’re, bringing your guests into your dealership, be a giver, ask them offer them a beverage.
Would you like, coffee or water or again, whatever type of refreshment you offer at your dealership, find a way to give them a brochure? Give them a compliment, give them your here, give them your undivided attention, and I assure you when it’s your turn, to ask them to give you something.
It’ll be a lot easier and a lot more likely that they will realize something.
You know as a sales consultant.
We they should know this much about us, and we know this much about them, because at the end of the day, it’s not about you or I it’s all about them, so balance the tilt.
The scale in your favor offer them give them something when they come in, don’t just sit them down, trying to do like everybody else, which is get straight to the numbers.
Show them who you are show them how you’re different than the other dealerships around the area, because, let’s face it, I don’t care what brand yourself will be.
Toyota, Ford, Mercedes BMW, when the manufacturer made yours the ones at your store in an effort to make a profit.
They didn’t stop so there’s other dealerships in your area, all the dealerships buying from the manufacturers for the same price and guess what they all sell them for about the same price, give or take a couple hundred dollars up or down.
So, what’s the real difference, you in the experience that we give today’s consumers? That’s what it’s all about, that’s all about! They make their decision.
They go to 1.
5 dealerships, so they’re hoping they landed at the first one.
But if they don’t get that good, warm and fuzzy feeling they’ll go to the second one, and if they don’t get it there guess what it boils down to all about price and when it becomes all about price as a sales consultant, you lose so make sure You be a giver, find a way, look up, the law of reciprocity and another thing I encourage you to do.
I’ve been having weekly almost every day of the week online automotive sales training and it doesn’t matter whether you’re green pea or whether you’ve been doing this.
For 20 years, the thing about skills sales professionals is that we know enough about sales to know that we have a whole lot more to learn so we’re lifelong students, and when I meet anybody that tells me I have nothing more to learn.
That’s somebody.
I can point out to you: they only have a very short tenure and, in this business or being successful at all, everything is evolving.
So I highly encourage you click the link below join us on the webinar, how to dominate at the dealership.
The three ways for you to close 20 sales a month and make $ 10,000 a month of commissions and it’s loaded jam packed with useful appliable 2-day real world techniques to help you close more sales, have more fun and make more money.
So again, I’m Brian Maxwell checking in out here from Slidell Louisiana yeah.
The last video you saw me I was in Louisiana week week or so ago.
I mean in Illinois now I’m in Louisiana next week supposed to be in Florida and then after that Texas, but hey check me out, get on the webinar.
I look forward to have you on there.
We really go through some things to help you start making some money, hold them more growth and have a more fun.
I’m brian maxwell appreciate you watching this video and i’ll see you on the webinar bye y’all, it’s the complete how to dominate at the dealership online automotive sales training program and it comes complete with hours and hours.
Let me tell you: what has the dominated the dealership automotive audios, which takes you all the way through the sales process and you struggle process, never have one.
This gives you one.
It gives you the step by step, but not only just to step by step.
It gives you the psychology behind it.
Okay, why you’re doing what you’re doing there’s over three hours of video there’s over two hours of audio? You also get the trails training manual, which lays out each and every step, which also has the discovery question which, when you’re qualifying to help you build better rapport.
You also have access to the telephone script when making phone calls prospecting sending emails.
You also get the word tracks on how to overcome objections.
Like i’m going to speak, my spouse, i’m gon na think about it things of that nature.
What also is included is the facebook how to drive.
Facebook leads.
Okay, that’s over three hours of video trying to teach you everything from how to set it up how to get it going and for as little as twenty dollars how to get yourself your dealership and your brand in front of people.
Looking for what it is! Jeff.
You also get how to drive leads from YouTube.
The ebook that comes with that you also get an online traffic search, which is two hours on how to use other social media outlets like Instagram and snapchat to drive people.
You also have access to over forty word tracks from greeting your customers, send them down qualifying with them, how to do a total and complete walk around that.
Allow your customer, you know the way that you, what do you do? Have you come back from a demonstration? Every single word tried to every objection from about the trade from about they want to think about it.
They want to shop around.
You have more tools in your arsenal, then you’ll know what to do and always the better to be over-prepared than underprepared believe that, and on top of that, you also get a one-on-one telephone call with me.
You’re gon na get an email and it’s gon na ask you what’s the best date and time with that.
I have free of your time, meets with my time on my schedule and you and I get on the phone and make sure we strategize and see how we can best implement T’s for you that your store to get you more profitable, rockin and rollin .