it’s one and welcome to conquer today.
We’re going to talk about in today’s episode on today’s message is it’s a line that my partner always used to use at work and that’s that, when we’re sick and tired of being sick and tired? So this week I wanted to talk about changes that you need to make and how you need to continue to keep pushing forward.
Regardless of what you face, and so I’ve read a couple articles.
I read some different post on social media and online this morning and it kept going back to the term and the thought, sick and tired of being sick and tired, and as I turned 39 this week, I wanted to talk about a lot of changes on this Week’s conquer today for the simple fact that I’m reaching in on 40 years old as my last full year in my 30s, and that makes me reflect a lot and a lot of what I reflected on, is how I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired Of certain things and the only way to change that is to actually change that and remember that when you deal with something in life, you’re either choosing to deal with it and not change it or you choose to change it, and so, as I’m reaching another milestone.
In might have aged in my life my last year, my 30s.
It made me think about the things that I’m sick and tired of and what I need to do to change those, because we are all just going to complain about the same things and we’re all going to be have the same uncomfort and the same things that Bother us and the same things that hold us back unless we change them and oftentimes, it takes us getting to the point where we’re sick and tired of something that we’re sick and tired of being sick and tired that we actually make that change.
So I want you to think about that in your life, in your sales and in your business.
What are you sick and tired of being sick, tired of because, whatever you are sick and tired of you need to take the effort? You need to take the action and make sure that you change those things that you’re, sick and tired of? Because remember once again, we either choose to deal with things and not change things or we choose to make a change.
I recommend that you choose to make a change to change the things that you’re, sick and tired of always a forever Knowle Walsh go out and conquer.
Today, .