Hi today’s sales thought picks up on our last video about goal planning today, we’re going to talk about tracking tracking is what’s going to give us the plan to help us achieve our goal.
Now, if you remember in our last bid – and we talked about making a goal of making $ 60,000 a year in the car business, maybe doesn’t sound like a lot, but we just started.
We’ve only been at this for we’re gon na, say nine months or so.
So what we’ll do today is talk about tracking what it is why we want to track and we’ll give you an example of how we’re gon na plan for this we’re gon na track.
So we can make sure that we achieve our goal is, after all, our goal without a plan.
It’s just a wish.
Let’s get right at track, so why should you track performance? Well, what you measure you can’t improve on that’s what we’re gon na do we’re gon na use quantitative data to help us figure out where we’ve been so, we know where we’re going now, when you’re tracking there’s all kinds of ways you can track.
However, in our particular example, we’re gon na say that we’ve been in the automotive business for a total of nine months, so first we’re going to look at what we did the first six months and then we’re gon na look.
What we’ve done at the last 90 days 90 days is also called a rolling three-month average, and it’s been said by Joe Verde that that’s really the statistic you want to look at because what we did a year and a half ago, a year ago, even six Months ago is now maybe as relevant is what we’ve done the last 90 days.
The goal is to always be improving on our skills and our habits and our attitude.
If we’re improving on those types of things, we should see improvement from 90 day average to 90 day average.
First, let’s look at what we’ve done the first six months in the business then we’ll look at the last 90 days.
Then we’re gon na set our goal and we’re gon na see how get to that goal.
By looking at the things that we’re tracking now before we get into that, let’s talk about one areas that we should be tracking again, we should be tracking.
If it’s, if it’s automotive sales, we should be tracking how many sales were making, how many people were waiting on, how many times we’re doing presentation and demos, in fact those burned? They are called opportunities.
Your opportunities is how many people that you’re working with each day in each month, your activities, would be the presentation in the demonstration drive.
After all, 80 % of the selling of the values built during the presentation and the demonstration phase.
That’s ultimately, we want to get to and hey that’s why customers still come visit us, they can get the prices online, they want to drive the vehicles and experience them get their self behind that wheel.
That feel the wheel is what’s going to help them seal the deal in their own mind.
Lastly, we want to track our results.
How many sales are we making or how many customers are finding a vehicle that fits their needs and wants and moving forward with that transaction? So, let’s go ahead and talk about how we can track or what we use to track our performance.
Well, you can do old-fashioned pen and paper which we’re going to use here.
However, there’s CRN’s, which stands for customer management retention, there’s excel sheets, there’s workbooks all kinds of ways.
You can track performance and that’s maybe for another video today we want to just walk you through the example of using our path tracking in our past history to develop a plan for a goal for the future and then what we’ll need to tweak and what we’ll Need to do so, we plan perfectly so we will not fail and we can achieve our goal.
Forty nine months in the car business, so the first six months right up here, we sold 13 vehicles.
We had two hundred and ninety five dollar bonus.
Every time we sold a vehicle and then it resulted in three thousand eight hundred eighty five dollars a month in sales.
The good news we’ve increased our skills we and doing the right things, practicing our order tracks and working with more guests and prospecting to get more guests in and we’re doing a really good job there.
And what we’ve done the last 90 days is: we’ve got 14 sales, a $ 300 bonus.
Every time you sell a vehicle and that’s equal in forty two hundred dollars in commissions per month or bonuses per month, so pretty good.
So far so good, however, we’ve got a goal.
Our goal is to make sixty thousand and this isn’t quite 60 thousand dollars.
So we want to come up with sixty thousand, so we’re going to figure what that is and kind of work from the goal and then go backwards.
So our goal is to gon na be sixty thousand dollars for the year 2020.
In the automotive business we figured out that if we do 16 sales at three hundred and fifteen dollars of bonus that will achieve our five thousand dollars, we can do the math.
It should work out.
Now, that’s very realistic.
It’s achievable it’s measurable.
It’s got a completion date, as we said in our earlier video, and what it is is about now 16, what about a 19 % increase month over month? The 4,200 to $ 5,000 is about a 1918 90 percent increase.
So we said in an earlier video your mind can only conceive one up in increments of 15 to 20 percent monthly to be able to wrap our head around that.
So it’s a great goal, its measurable.
It’s realistic! Let’s use that as our goal.
Now we talked about opportunities activities and results in our last 90 days.
Here’s what we’ve done! We’ve averaged 80 opportunities a month about three three and a half guests a day over 25 26 day, so a good job.
There now number two, the activities which would be demonstrations and presentations, particular example percent of the people we wait on each month.
We actually going to the demonstration and presentations stage so about fifty percent, which we represent over here now of those people that take a presentation and demonstration drive.
They result in 14 sales, 14 wraps or about 35 % of the time.
Then they take a demonstration drive.
They actually purchase, so we feel pretty good about that.
As a matter of fact, we’re going to set our our goals are tracking those we feel like we’re waiting on enough people right now.
In fact, we’re not sure if we can wait on a lot more.
However, we really want to work on those are activities we’d like to increase that fifty percent to 60 percent.
We feel like if we practice the objection handling.
If I don’t want to take a demonstration drive, I don’t have enough time to take a demonstration drive.
We work a little bit more on helping the guests or figuring out with the guests their needs and wants.
We figure out those types of things we feel like we’ll build it get on more demonstration drives really.
What we’re gon na do is tweak one area, and you see right here.
This is our goal for 2020, so we’re going to shoot for again same number there.
Eighty people in a given month about three three and a half guests today, we’re really gon na work on, as we said earlier, was our demonstration objection handle and we feel like a lot of times.
People are just saying they run out of time.
We know it’s really kind of a reflex objection.
I mean everybody wants to take a demonstration drive, so we’re gon na work on how to get more people to take a demonstration drive and with that and just keep that number of people that we take on the presentation and demonstration drives it’s the same percentage.
It stated thirty, five, that’s what we had in the last in the last sheet and we can keep that constant.
We’re gon na increase our sales to almost seventeen month.
Three more cars.
Yes, that’s quite a quite a bit of an increase they’re able to do that.
We should easily be able to sell 16 cars of month.
We should give us $ 5,000 in a given month, which will equal at $ 60,000 heck.
We may even go over it.
We may have to adjust six months into this to shoot for 75 $ 80,000.
So my hope is that you can see that by tracking things and by looking at them quantitatively using some math using the 13 rules of goal-setting we’ll be able to have a goal.
It’s not just a wish.
It’s a goal because we have a plan.
Thank you.