Hey y’all, what’s going on, y’all know what time it is yeah.
It’s quick brew time.
It’s freling! Our sub prime hero today is 11.25.2020.
It’s already 25 days into the 11th month of the rest of your life.
Wow time is going by fast.
Take advantage of every moment do not waste.
It today is thanksgiving e folks, so in honor of thanksgiving folks today, my quick tip, my quick brew for you is to make sure you reach out and make phone calls zoom meetings with all your family members that you can’t be with during this time.
There’s going to be a lot of us that are going to have shorter and smaller thanksgiving dinners, thanksgiving meetings, we’re not going to travel as much.
I know, there’s still some people doing it, but that’s okay.
What i’m saying is that the ones that you cannot talk to make sure you reach out to them give them a phone call.
Zoom meetings are amazing right now you can do them pretty put on your tv, so make sure you guys get out there make sure you get on the phones, call old friends.
You know, i know i’m been in the military, so those friends that i was in the military with years ago that i need to reach out to i’m gon na reach out to them, probably over the next 24 to 48 hours.
I’m gon na reach out to my grandparents, i’m gon na reach out to my you know, cousins, my my uncles, my aunts, everyone that i possibly can to.
Let them know how much i appreciate them and being part of the journey of life.
You know, because we are all very fortunate.
We have a lot to be grateful for folks.
Just remember you have life.
Life is huge, that’s something that not all of us have anymore there’s a lot of people who have passed in the last year last month.
So honor life honor your life and honor your family and friends, and give them a call zoom meeting, i’m following our subprime hero.
If i was to give you one tip today, so make sure you reach out to your family for thanksgiving, you all have a great one and be blessed.
I’m fellaini subprime hero, let’s brew, .