NW&A With Noel Walsh at 30 Sales a Month Workshop in Cleveland

Hello, everybody knoll wall share from nwa conquer.

Why teach a sales training I wanted to invite you to the upcoming 30 sales.
A month workshop, this April 14th in Cleveland Ohio.
It’s going to be a great cast.

Of course.
It’s Fran Taylor, the king of prospecting.
We’ve got Tiffany Jean cruiser, that’s right in her backyard, we’ve got Jerry peppers, Chris kukil myself and many many more.

It’s going to be a great cast with lots of nuggets of knowledge.
I can tell you this will be the fifth 30 sales a month workshop.
I’ve been to and everyone I’ve been to, I’ve grown, my network.

I’ve met big hitters in the auto sales industry.

I’ve met people who are out there doing it who have skills.
We have knowledge, it’s a great way to network it’s a great time.

It’s a lot of fun and you’re always going to get a lot of knowledge once again: 30 sales, a month workshop April 14th cleveland ohio, where i’m going to be sharing leasing and how I was hashtag.

The traveling car salesman and I would live in st.
George Utah, where I’m at right now and I’d, fly to ann arbor, michigan and work two weeks a month, and i was always in the top five top ten in my dealership and i’m talking about the number 34 dealership in the nation, with 40 sales people so register today, wewt sales of Montcalm come see me Fran Taylor, Tiffany Jean cruiser Jerry peppers, Chris bukol, we’ve all done 30-plus cars in a month or do it on a consistent level and we’re going to share with You how we got there and I’m going to share with you how i did it with leasing leasing is the best way to create a residual business.

Think about it.
You don’t have negative equity, you don’t have to worry about interest rates and when they’re in a three-year lease a lot of times, you can pull them out after 28 months.
That’s something a lot of other dealers can’t do or they don’t even think they can do so.

Please join us.
There look forward to seeing yet 30 sales a month, Noll Walsh, I’m out .

About Richie Bello

Richie Bello has a vast knowledge of the automotive industry, so most of his services are faced towards automotive dealerships. He couples all his skills with the power of the internet to render even remote services to clients in need of a little brushing

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