hi everyone and we’re on.
Is it the light recipe good afternoon? Everyone good to be back with you with G? How are you today fantastic another edition of autumn tour news and today we’re coming to you live from Long Island work? Jefferson Station North Shore certified my favorite 112, which is exciting because has their hands upon well, they yeah or more.
The inventory is pretty impressive, qualified.
That’s right with a proof, credit of course I do we get to meet you.
Don’t we get 200? Well, I mean pulling up in here: I’m impressed how big of a place, because I’ve never been here and it’s close to my home, but a lot of vehicles here: Nick Egan, who’s, a sales manager, who’s, a friend of the show who’s been on the show he’s A sales manager here – and I know he bring this together so high Nick – will talk to you later and bending over.
There got me my coffee.
Thank you, but speaking of the inventory, we are gon na.
Take a little walk around a little walk through a little bit later, but we’re waiting for another guest to arrive gym chair was stuck on the Belt Parkway.
He had some serious traffic issues.
I had some doctor delay issues, but we’re here Dan will be here momentarily and we’re gon na go out and a lot and interest rates as low as, like one point: four: nine percent, no hidden dealer favorite a great day to come down and shopping.
If you don’t, I can probably talk to the sales manager or a general manager and get them to extend the sale, maybe for a few hours but calm down now, because right now what’s happening, yeah well, George, the Greek who I just met, he’s the finance manager Right, yes, Stanton Stan is saying he’s three minutes away.
They need not be texting while driving.
Oh yeah.
It’s Stan don’t text while driving.
That’s bad or I mean Facebook while driving right come on.
Okay Dean, I mix wife, Oh Dean.
Yes, yes, yes and his family.
Always checks in which is great, I’m a great selection of inventory here, and they really know how to do deals together so come on down call this he’ll ship, the number of six three 1.
Please calm down North Shore.
Certified Port Jefferson Station Google a Tron route 112 year.
Of course, if you from the area, you would know route 1 solvent huge strip.
The road here lots going on.
I just can’t believe with the size of the slot.
I wish you guys can see.
Can you hang out there a little bit? Thank you.
Look out the window, give it a whirl get off of us.
You don’t want to see us look at the cars, no seriously, don’t feel my heart’s not for sale.
You really stay tuned for this.
Well! Walk around that we’re gon na go through the whole lot in the next few minutes.
That’s coming arriving and here’s inside the showroom, there’s Nick Egan himself Nick wave, because your wife is watching.
Let’s see okay actually like colleague, of the used car factory because they can get any vehicles, they want yeah pre-owned and it’s great reputation.
I mean it’s unbelievable reputation.
They have here, it’s really a good great great place to come on down and buy an automobile.
Oh, it is and hold on.
We got to say hello here hold on we’re gon na start going to walk around in a few minutes.
I think yeah they should be pulling in any minute.
Hopefully soon maybe traffic lights out here.
Actually, you think so! Oh, should we say: congratulations to you because I believe you have a new title with clickable, so I know we wanted to make that announcement as well.
What is the new title or teen? I don’t know you know.
No, I don’t know.
No, I don’t know what happens, and everybody knows the public company we do is dashboards.
So clickable has our name to me.
I’ve been an Operations VP of Operations Manager.
So right now they made me the CEO of the company because of the automotive space and it’s an automated.
We only saw our clickable ad, so we know Michael awesome, that’s right around the corner.
I thought that was Stan running.
It’s not yes, and I mean I missed last week’s show.
Obviously I was a bit under the weather, but what did I miss last week last one I think Stan has the moment.
You’ve all been waiting for then just walk over.
I know you’re not mic there, but coming between us hi good to see you.
Let me tell you something: they got so many cars here.
It’s unbelievable.
I see I mean spam rifle in the pair.
Were you impressed it’s pretty large piece of property there’s what gon na take a walk? All right, sign, ooh, you’re, ready to go all right, then just came out to us from New Jersey.
How far away are you? Oh, my? Oh, my, and how long did it take? You Stan Stan how many hours three hours and 40 minutes yeah.
We call it traffic.
They are coming out last night and gon na you were gon na like work.
That’s what won the guitar LA Fitness about your I mean get a chance all right.
So, as you can see, Santa’s being miked up, would you pan off and show Stan getting miked up and that’s Bobby by the way Bobby way say hello from Paradise? Studios hi he’s the man in the background they’re in charge of them all those.
I guess this is my cute.
My phone is down to 2 %, all right so hold them.
Okay, here we go.
I got that charge for all those three hours you.
I have a charge of 8 % now, thanks to our Richie, so welcome right here I heard there’s over 800 vehicles and I know I met with Vinny.
I also obviously know Nick and I’m sure he preps you a little bit or maybe yes, so Sam.
What are we gon na start with today? Uh, you know what I like this car.
Actually, okay, oh that’s right.
They sell everything Harley’s.
What are we looking at idea? I don’t know either I’m not a motorcycle expert.
This is embarrassing.
There you go talk about.
You know your motorcycle, it’s not red, I know a Honda.
50, that’s the only thing I know just see.
50 am i sin.
Azúcar zukie Boulevard.
This is for sale.
This is like, looks like it’s for sale.
They show everything here.
It’s a motor vehicle dealers, all right go back to the truck, I’m just having a fun.
I love it.
Four teams, Raptor these things are incredible and look at these monster size tires: SVT trim, level, red 4×4, red interior, I’m looking here, oh wow! This is gorgeous.
You have a sony, sound system, you have black and red and other seats with the raptor being branded, obviously have a pretty big screen here: automatic transmission.
You literally, you feel, like you can control the world.
With this view, this truck is hot moonroof.
I like this.
Okay, what year is it to me? This is a 2014 okay, okay, awesome and do we know what it’s going for we’re doing? I’m Nick you got you.
You have helped us out with sex.
What is it 39? 39 9.
Only while we’re here so you have today, but it’s 45,000, not bad yeah.
That’s very impressive! How many miles? Ok, awesome! 6.
2 liter engineering, this thing’s huge powerful.
If you’re an enthusiast.
This is definitely a truck for you too.
Okay yeah, I like the Fords.
What are these calls? It’s a raptor little I’m not used to those.
I guess that’s on the newer models.
They have those things like that, so we got monsters that stay close to Santa’s.
This is pretty cool.
I like classic cars.
I true me tell me a little bit on this: it’s a 65 okay, okay, Wow! It’s definitely a barrett-jackson car.
That’s not bad! That’s not bad! Is this automatic to manual? Oh beautiful? Those of you watching that know me I’m all about the manual transmission, so this is my kind of car those that know me.
I hate classic cars, that’s the truth, but no.
What do you call those things my daddy said had those on his old bike, cars from the 70s whitewall tires? What is it but they’re red? Well, what’s up with that? Alright, cool ha now check this out less practical, though, let’s saw Mazdas.
There are great vehicles for people looking to get into their first vehicle people that might have trouble getting approved on vehicle, the perfect vehicle they booked out.
Well, it’s a 2016 Mazda 6 red 2.
5 liter engine automatic transmission looks like this.
One has leather seats.
I think this is the more higher up model.
It’s a I Touring, pretty nice tires actually actually looks like these tires are pretty fresh.
Even the wheels are clean.
So I can see here that Nick has a lot of really nice clean cars at this dealership.
Let’s see here, it says it’s got low miles.
Vehicles close to new the beauty of this dealership is they have access to over 800 vehicles? So with that being said, you know if you’re looking for another color of this vehicle, it’s almost like a used car factory like Ritchie, said because you’re able to get vehicles and give it away.
So let’s take a look on the inside a little bit.
What’s what I think about Mazdas? Personally, I love these screens.
For me, it reminds me of an iPhone and I’m an iPhone person.
So I’m a very big fan of this.
It’s got the leather wrap steering wheel.
All the controls, bluetooth controls, stereo controls cruise control.
You have it here: it’s got sport mode.
This one does not have the moonroof actually doesn’t have a parking brake.
It’s got one of the buttons it’s more of a modern-day future, but these are really great.
Reliable vehicles, like I said, great vehicle for somebody looking into their first vehicle, very inexpensive and easy to finance.
Let’s take a look at what we have outside.
That’s what I was just wondering where we are.
I’m just writing a clarification here.
We are come on out these.
This is a really nice, lock thanks.
This is a really nice slide here.
Yeah, there’s a lot of property here, like I said this place, I just got here.
This is my first time here and this place sticks out, like I actually was able to see it from all the way down there, which is nice.
No, I didn’t, but I saw the picture this before so I saw the building.
Oh wow, 2013 Audi.
These things are hot me.
Personally, I like white cars, it’s my kind of color.
You could probably make this work for you today.
I’m gon na have two cars.
Now, obviously, luxury vehicle german-engineered great on handling, looks like it’s.
Oh yeah, you said supercharged.
I think I don’t know if it’s an s-line or not, it might be yeah based on the color.
It looks like it is beautiful, big alloy wheels.
Leather seats, I mean you name, it love your vehicle.
I mean you just can’t go wrong with an Audi once you drive one you’ll be in love 2013, so how’s, the mileage of them.
Oh 60,000, miles wait! What 16,000! Oh 1,000.
Are you serious? That’s a clean car.
That’s what that’s all wheel drive tinted windows.
I mean this is the part of every single option that was available with this car for this model.
It has let’s go to my old car here.
Mustang he’s have another thing GT.
Actually, oh my god.
How much is this? It’s a stick! Oh my god.
You have me at hello, you had me at stick.
This is a GT model.
This is beautiful, someone’s driving it it’s a Dumbo.
I can see a plate on it.
It’s got a shaker, sound system.
It’s got a this one’s got a 5-speed manual.
I don’t think they were making six pack in 2007 leather seats convertible, as you can see here, we’re in September today’s actually the first day of fall for those who don’t know, and it’s still great weather – to be able to drive this vehicle.
Great muscle, car very powerful I got ta find out how much it says I kind of want this myself, yeah I’ll start getting a little car crazy.
This is nice.
This is the way to go.
How much for this one neck! Yeah! That’s a good question! Nick! Do you know the price of the finance an order take and we do have a pretty low finance rate we do reach starting as low as one point four nine Wow right now we’re running a deal hooked up with a couple credit unions.
We’re doing now keep my one point: forty nine percent for a pre-owned vehicle.
That’s almost unheard of.
You have to be an only dealer to get that.
Would you agree absolutely well if we all powered by the tents on the water group, so we have multiple multiple stores and we get the best rates we get the best inventory.
There is what about people with children? You need a little more space than these noticing.
Pickup trucks: I see a ram 1500 with this, I see a Range Rover Evoque right.
Yes, these things are very popular.
I’m seeing a lot of dealerships selling it they’re very inexpensive, you know get the riding style and it is a Range Rover.
I could tell I like it: it’s black and white.
I always love the fact that you get a white car with a black top and the black wheels.
I think it’s beautiful, that’s all you right there, you 24,000 months yeah.
I agree.
I should get this puppy.
I call that a spot.
What’s the total Nicolini special rate on this one, it’s actually pretty comfy.
That’s all my guys are gon na keeping it solo.
You know you look good in that car.
I have a hundred thousand miles on my car.
You definitely need this.
A few kids in here I have a car, I’m good.
I have to why stop it to what he can have three Zach little a little too much for me right now.
There was anything I would get this all right, but I I see there’s a lot of pickup trucks later, I’m not sure yes, customers, cars – or this is a inventory control.
Ours, what’s up with the pickup truck, is here BAM.
I see a Chevy, the Sea Dogs Ramazan, dark Ram is a diesel.
That’s a 2016 with only 16,000 one black one over there, every single available option.
Again our buyers can’t pick these cars for us and they do a great great job.
We have air handler, Tommy Cunningham, expanding, constantly conflate expanding, so to tend to low order.
Group is probably one of the best, if not definitely the best organization.
I’ve ever worked for Hemi 5.
7 liter here yeah.
This is pretty this one.
We’re doing that today.
It’s a nice truck.
Actually, what really caught my eye is that I love the rims.
I love the wheels on it a little bit more of a style and that’s all you’re in there too.
Okay, Oh, perfect! Well, yours at 2016! Okay! 36,000 miles! I do believe that wasn’t all fleece purchase from one of our Nissan stores – nice – those are great cars – annoying those are great cars.
The applying them is the top of the line Maxima.
It has all the features I mean it’s a luxury car BC, luxury sports car front-wheel-drive.
What’s impressive here is you got vehicle that are inexpensive that are expensive? I mean you have a nice mix of of everything.
I think it’s pretty cool.
Let’s see.
Okay, a bargain deal for both of you right now.
This is breaking news here.
Another sort of had come here breaking bargain deal.
How about this? How about this 2012, a luxurious Ford Focus yeah exactly big payment.
You definitely need to get that range 2012.
So it’s fully loaded now: windows, power, door, locks, custom, rims, it’s a nice bed.
I have a feeling this.
This was customized, it looks like it might not be a stockman which I think it’s cool trail effects.
I don’t know if it came stock with him or an output.
That’s a really nice clean bed very roomy.
I would definitely check this out.
Yes, I agree it makes the style I like said.
I love the wheels on this.
It’s a huge bag.
This I mean.
I don’t know the dimensions of it, but I know that if you’re looking at a whole lot of things, look you guys talk.
Like the guy said I’ll talk to the girl stuff, I could fit okay and strollers.
It’s definitely a nice truck, and actually we have a Chevy Colorado here and lt at Sephora.
It’s a smaller pickup truck smaller size, guy 72 comas.
I like the country song, cable right now, no tacoma’s! This is a 2009 Colorado and this one was special dirt.
Knowing we’ll do it today for twelve nine Wow crew cab, it’s the z71 off-road package which gives you skid.
So this way it’s the truck is built for off-roading off-roading, towing, whatever you want to do with it, those power door locks all that stuff.
That’s and the navigation yep.
Okay, I can see here’s the navigation so pioneers a navigation system and stereo system automatic transmission, very roomy.
You have two seats in the back here.
Obviously, air conditioning controls cool – you know, like you, said, the off-road package.
It’s got the.
What pack matched that’s actually really cool zoom into that WeatherTech mats? Basically, the way they do it is their custom, fit all season match to kind of be a part of the vehicle to be a part of the court.
Separate company they’re not worried, there’s not very inexpensive, but they certainly definitely help out with the trim of the vehicle.
As you can see, it’s custom fitted all right.
Oh, I just bought something else: remote control for the Pioneer system.
There’s a remote control to control this Pioneer system.
That’s very important! All right then come around this way and Ryan.
Let’s come back this way: backtrack backtrack! I’m gon na go around this Ram here.
I light some of these other rogues excellent entry level vehicle by the way that was a 489 95.
I was going for the row guy.
That was a little more practice.
That’s a great bag.
It’s cool my opinion, that’s a great back-to-school vehicle! Yeah 89 is a little too pricey; okay, so how about 79 being that you’re here, okay, yeah, those no discount – oh, not bad, but um! What yours is it’s a 2012 block? It’s a great entry level for drivers.
We also sell a lot of nissan robes.
Those usually range from seventy nine hundred up to 39.
Any one option smiling yeah, that’s a great vehicle.
I mean I remember.
Even when I was in high school, those were popular.
I was gon na mention that hold on hold on hold on now.
I know I want to ship what we’re talking about guys at the same time, cuz I’m a hunter.
Alright, Ryan you’re shaking your head, our camera guy yeah.
Alright, this is the road.
What year is this? Do we know? Okay, it’s so much a more recent model, consign rogue, I’m not sure which trim level.
I think this is an S model yeah.
It looks like an S based on the wheel, one of the most popular SUVs in the market very hot summer, one of Nissan’s biggest sellers.
Actually, you know four-wheel drive.
Okay, okay looks like it’s a local vehicle.
I could just call by where the vehicle was parked.
Local resident so yeah yeah, so it’s great, so I was following comments, but my phone is is now completely dead.
Unfortunately, I cannot keep track of what you’re asking or saying, because I have no phone.
So if you want to share your phone stand, chair, I’m gon na have yeah have a phone yo furryz everyone if anyone’s asking any questions or anything right now I don’t see many questions.
Alright people just saying hi, yeah, all right, good, good good.
So continue your yeah so so yeah, I guess a very popular vehicle.
This this particular comes with cloth seats.
It comes a CD player, Bluetooth.
The standard in these cars rear camera standard in these cars just can’t go wrong with a road really bent.
It’s got.
Twenty seven thousand six hundred and sixty-five miles on it.
These also have the new parking assistant.
Yes, we gives you front camera camera and side view cameras correct.
So if you hit the camera but you’re seeing all angles of the vehicle, we don’t do a lot of parallel parking on here, but you know out there in Jersey stand, I’m sure you guys could use something like this yeah.
It’s exactly correct depends where in Jersey, thankfully we don’t do much parallel parking where I’m at we mentioned Honda Civic before now, Honda’s my expertise.
I spent eight years working with Honda selling a lot of them and I personally had three civics in the past great entry level vehicle.
This looks like it is a civic LX.
Yes, this is another mooner in 2015 30,000 miles and this one we’re blowing out today for fifteen thousand nine hundred excellent.
That’s a good price! These vehicles are hard to come by pre-owned.
Just so, you all know because they go for a lot of money at the auctions, and you have to be very careful how you pick them.
Obviously, dealership like this, they picked really nice clean cars, and you know say you know.
These vehicles also are known for the resale value sometime just recently, because I helped sell my brother’s first automatic coming in manual.
I mean just a bike: oh great vehicle for back-to-school specials as well, and they go.
They only go up there.
Thank You Kaname.
For the sorry I know you’re more of a white car crash, I may be the center like outside.
It was actually not this body style, but I had a white one.
There was a four-door, oh here we go very comparable to the car.
Would just look that also another eighth vehicle swap transmit steering wheel cruise control system.
This one actually asked, but very comparable to what we just saw they’re in the same class, both really great reliable vehicles.
You just can’t go wrong with a Nissan Sentra special financing rates on them, another vehicle, that’s good on fuel and my favorite color, of course, totally different.
So what about that? Chevy Camaro? We haven’t looked at it.
Let’s go look at the Chevy Cruze on Maxima here as well: okay, okay, dirty little waxing and it’s a little things like our cameramen, hitting the Chevy Camaro right behind ya, stop right! There Chevy Camaro RS! I like this style.
I really I personally love the stuff.
Look at how big these rims are automatic.
They’re, big, they’re, big you’re, tired, looks like their performance, tire leather seats moonroof on this one, which you don’t get to see many moon roofs on these.
I, like this body style.
This car has got a lot of muscle Julie.
You look great in this too.
I feel a little laid back with my mind on my money and my money.
On my mind, it’s a little too relaxing for me.
Why is this seat like this to people? I actually I was away.
I was in batteries Louisiana a couple years ago and I had to rent the vehicle.
They gave me one of these because they messed up the order and I drove for three.
The car is awesome.
It is a fun yeah yep.
I could see that we’re gon na do this car today for ninety nine.
Ninety, five, that’s a steal of a deal.
That’s a steal of a deal, a muscle car for under 10 grand just can’t go wrong! You really can’t go wrong with this.
Well, I actually like this color beautiful bar today but luxury.
Let’s go luxury: mercedes-benz, GLA, 250 4matic, it’s a great vehicle.
It may just help the camera guy out with his cable.
I hope you’re Ryan go ahead.
2015, mercedes-benz, CLA 4matic.
She only 250 beautiful black with a beige interior Wow.
Finally, this is what I want.
Thank you nice.
This is actually one of Richie bellos favorite cars.
I think he recently made a purchase of one of these, I’m not sure which model but yeah.
I just kept my god that interior, so beautiful, wow, wow wow wow, that’s nice yeah.
How much is this one Nick Cannon? How much is this 22 920 23,000 miles Wow? I just love the styling of this car.
Personally, I like it yeah again, you look a little good in any car, so it’s different.
This is like our seats yeah.
This is very clean.
I like clean, yeah Wow.
I love the heads-up display, I’m always a big fan of those displays.
I love the gauges.
You know they’re a little sporty, which I just cool leather wrap, steering wheel, yeah, it’s a nice car.
You guys can talk about like the mechanics of it all I’m gon na look at the machine.
I even love the headrest.
It’s clean is your bucket chicken.
I could tell these your bucket seats of the collar this leather.
This is the most beautiful, copper color ever yeah.
This car is gorgeous Wow traditional german-engineered.
You know sporty vehicle styling.
I mean I’m just looking at everything on the inside right now, I’m looking at the you know from where the air blows to the steering wheel so just don’t mind.
I love a little own.
The front, though so, if you’re a rough rider like myself, may not be the best option for your vehicle.
It is, and I know some people that actually have had these these vehicles are incredible.
You know you’re looking for that, entry-level Mercedes, that you want to drive a luxury vehicle.
You don’t want to.
You know, spend too much money on a luxury vehicle.
This is what you should definitely consider, not just for the name badge, but for what it very nice high-performance vehicle looks like it’s got: satellite radio as well.
I can tell by the antenna all right, the other Nicolini vehicles would be able to escalate.
Oh seven over there.
Why don’t? We take a look at that and seeing dummy a big right, that’s the that’s the extra! What are the ESP? What do they call that extra extended version? Yeah? It’s just sit back monsters.
Oh, it is Oh beautiful eyes back right into that by oh wow.
I, like that, it’s like a pearl white.
I love that it is black cause.
I think that’s the wood grain grain trim on the inside.
You could see the wood grain steering wheel a woodgrain.
Little bit, this is pretty nice CD player.
All your composure on the steering wheel.
You have the side steps yep, it’s a nice gigantic vehicle, moonroof leather seats, navigation, you name, it hasn’t Cadillacs.
I mean it’s just a legendary vehicle.
Let’s see oh she’s checking out the back to me right.
If you have kids, you need a room go to Costco for the trees for the children.
Strollers are you in the third row? It’s like a jack-in-the-box, it’s a chill in the car.
It’s got a third row seat, which is very awkward yeah.
You need that seriously.
It’s a great family vehicle you’re going on vacation roomie.
You know you have to drive around.
So if you have, you know, screen the kids on a trip all right now.
I actually want to go over to something one of my favorite cars.
Yes, we had a question here, credit fence.
Somebody asked about craniums.
Yes, you guys deal with a variety of how do you even open a car like this? Oh, it’s not one word like door.
Swings up, though I thought it was like a DeLorean.
Oh my god, yeah open your eyes Stan.
Look! What’s in front of you, this big, yellow thing: what is it yellow bumblebee color Corvette if you want to go onto the radar and not stand man? This is this, is this: is the car that leather seats? I love this.
I I personally love like the styling on the seat.
Like I’m a big fan of Ashley, I love when there’s the logos on there 14 with 16,000 miles.
Okay, Wow 43 6 heads off display see that this car is oh yeah leather, wrap, steering wheel, sport pedals.
I could see the aluminum sport pedals.
Automatic transmission looks like it’s funny.
They always make them look like stick nowadays till they do yeah yeah this cars got all the bells and whistles great muscle car I mean just can’t go wrong with a ya know this vehicle, you can tell it’s been kept in great condition: yeah and that’s a Convertible yeah, these notes are: is that fake, sound or those? Oh, no, there’s nothing fake about this car! Oh okay! It’s genuine yeah! This car is the real deal.
This car is the real deal all right.
What about excellent? Next? To that is that for sale? That’s the one you mentioned yeah chabela.
What does that mean? Is that tom-toms watching our life be right now say hello? I think that’s Dominic, it’s Dom and Richie, and what a sporting today I can’t they’re gon na kill me 2016.
Maximum is a Platinum Edition.
36,000 miles cherry red windows, navigation, it’s got the upgraded wheels, it’s got the panoramic roof.
I mean this is the mack daddy of Nissan Maximas, Wow heated steering wheel.
You have the beige leather interior.
This actually comes out to give you more of that sporty feel.
Is there support here seats? This is a 300 horsepower 2.
5 liter engine on this car and you just can’t go wrong.
I mean listen.
I just drove one here, a great car.
I mean I love them personally, I’m a very big fan.
So I recommend, if you like, Maximus, you know, definitely come out and look at one of these.
I think it’s one of the nicest Maximus they ever made as far as a body style is concerned, and they consider it like a luxury sports car.
It is how much are we selling let’s go for this one, we’re doing with twenty to nine and keep in mind this car brand-new is $ 40,000.
So it’s almost half like the color of the Interior slogan that I’ve been using a lot of anybody seen on Facebook, Drive happy with also certified.
I like that what my customers to be happier now.
So this is a Cadillac SRX.
I don’t you Judy with Ritchie and Don what does that going for neck we’ve been on here for a little while, I’m not sure if you guys want to continue, we left or how you know me, I see what our ability is.
I see more vehicles.
I see one of my personal favorite part what Acura TL.
Okay, that’s funny.
I just saw the front and I knew it stop that that’s that activist 2006, accurate 2006.
I worked for accurate.
I know this car.
Well, I I regret never buying one tonight.
I that’s! How many miles are on this 124 Wow? So this was it my favorite color.
So this car came in three different trim levels: it came in a base model and then it came with navigation and then it also came and a Type S which is my personal favorite.
You know with different trimming.
Is that what that’s just their stuff? One thing about this: I personally don’t think that they made these cars is nice.
After 2008, they changed the body style.
I think this is like the nice premium stereo on this vehicle.
It has a around 270 horsepower.
Bt quote me.
I know it’s around 270 280.
It has a premium step puts out, I always the name of it.
No, oh the name of the start: oh yeah.
What was it once them like? They? They were classically tested by classical musicians and so you’re able to play DVD quality threes, the navigation and Honda’s.
In my opinion, by far one of the best napkin systems ever even going back to 2003, when navigation systems were becoming brand-new to the marketplace, these vehicles had the best navvies till this day, even better than most new cars that are being built today.
It is the beat on the o2 little version of hande and they’re great.
It’s one of the first luxury vehicles to have bluetooth.
I remember Alexis’s into the fix, didn’t even have to put youth so yeah voice activation.
This car back in the day was known for technology and innovation.
Matter of fact, when I sold a curious, that’s what we were being trained on, it’s all about technology, advanced technology.
That is so, I recommend like said she’s she’s, my favorite dan is fine.
I love this car, my color, I wish.
Maybe maybe I have a car right now.
What else do we have here? Okay, okay, it’s another perfect! You know entry-level, we have it’s not an Altima.
85 66.
It looks like it comes with a warranty.
This is a more loaded up version, I’m guessing SLE.
It’s got to be an SL based on the ribs based on the leather sticks in the moonroof.
It has to be an SI.
I can’t be wrong: um CD player, but got the Bose sound system.
It’s tough in the leanness, so it’s got a start/stop button, so you don’t have to use your key for it even thousand miles on here.
I too, and here’s the crazy part Clark.
Those are no scuffs on very important.
It’s rare, I mean granted.
We don’t have a lot of parallel parking in this area, but still pretty important, very important, yeah great entry level vehicle specially.
If you look yep kids, I know college just started just started, so your kids can drive a vehicle with luxury amenities for under $ 9,000 [, Music ], like a small.
Well I mean they don’t hear something funny.
I almost bought one.
That was a stick.
They made very few of them with a stick, and that was a white one.
My friend was song.
The mileage is a little high for me.
Okay, no, but what is it call? The h3.
It a little bit of mileage on it, but it was very, very well taken care of which you could say, here’s a thing that even in 2018 you’re driving in style because these cars they make.
Neither me two cars.
You know I pursed, I like a lot of their cars more than newer cars and the fact that you’re not gon na true, gentlemen, this is a classic bicycle.
I’d stops cloth seats, CD player.
I mean this thing.
It’s pretty much.
It’s almost like a tank there’s.
Some people enjoy that kind of ride.
Sometimes this is definitely the vehicle to to look at do a little off-roading, yeah yeah.
I like inventory.
I like this inventory a lot.
Oh dad wants to do a little white action back here.
It’s a little Vanna White action.
No, no, no wait for it.
Just come on ready, come on roll out ready come on here we go so I do the been away they go and Stan we’ve been working out so much I haven’t worked.
It out, give us a solvent now.
So we have a nice roomy back here since there’s a lot of storage room for people that are looking to toll a lot of stuff haul.
A lot of stuff cars got a lot of power.
I really that’s a seats fold down.
She didn’t even worry.
She says this has a factory tow package on it that also due to the hooks – that’s Hugh I’ll, borrow this today, so I could tow his fans, Acura yeah, behind me toward the Jersey.
For so what I love is we give a spare tire.
I mean it’s literally a shock: hey Highness is actually protection, it could be believe it not.
It is, and it’s also great for backing up.
If you hear something I just put the gas in this, the styling of that.
What were you put the gas in? Look? How cool it’s not like a typical cap, I didn’t know.
If I could.
Oh that’s right, you guys have to put your own gas down here.
Yeah! Oh, oh wow! Is this a Mitsubishi? I’ve gotten to know mention be she’s a lot lately.
Look, we didn’t know I’ve done a lot of social media for Mitsubishi dealers, and this is a very nice vehicle cherry-red.
This is an outlet and Outlander Sport yeah.
I was 15, it’s a great little vehicle.
This is a really great vehicle, very inexpensive, easy to finance the repot.
It is a wonderful vehicle, again perfect, entry-level vehicle that one stand has only 63,000 miles.
We’re going to do that today.
For 12 nine, there you go, PT transmission, all-wheel drive.
It’s got a CD player, it’s got all it’s a great vehicle.
It really is well the way they’ve been make it okay.
What about the Eclipse? Let’s talk about the old clips.
I miss those my favorite car.
I have a 2002 Mitsubishi spider convertible for a black top.
Who is your friend? I don’t know, I Jeff a GS.
Oh really, really.
Really porcelain.
I’ve shut the air hose pump, our ship on the gas fix the air conditioning.
We open two windows.
Do that great car.
I’m sorry! I grasp that car actually, Oh Stan.
I knew I knew enough women that had those sheer cliffs right now I don’t know if I talked to you.
Another looks like it’s close to new, again clean wheels.
Believe it or not, leather covers looks like okay, you know what that actually is cool they fit in Weller’s.
They do they again WeatherTech mats.
We talked about this earlier.
You know they’re they’re custom fitted to fit the vehicle we need to have.
They do give it.
They do it’s like a requirement that this is a very, very stance again.
All of your controls, here from your telephone bluetooth system to your heads-up display to your automatic transmission again also one of the most popular SUVs in the market today, and we just looked at this – we just looked at the Nissan Rogue.
These are two of the hottest vehicles out there.
It comes down to choice.
What’s nice is when you come out here, you can take a look at one or the other and no matter which one you pick they’re, both going to be great choices.
Hyundai has come a very long way with the vehicles that they make.
This is Jill having fun .
Okay, it’s a great deal because brand-new.
This thing is like 10 grand more, so you just can’t go wrong and it’s got the rear rear camera.
For a backup, camera, okay, it’s got the the trunk map, which is nice again very roomy vehicle.
You just cannot go wrong with it great if you’re an uber driver, it’s a great vehicle for you to make money, because now you have room for passengers.
You know if you have to go to the airport pick somebody up, you can put their luggage here.
You know make yourself money, you can make back the money for your car payment with that said, yeah we happy Ford Escape here.
It is I actually like the inside of this and it’s got very nice leather seats, but I know nothing else about the car, so this has the Eco Boost, which means that it gives you power while giving you great gas mileage at the same time.
Okay, let me open the door for my friend here come on, go ahead, check it out.
Okay, just check out some of the comments here.
She was.
People are saying that Ford Sync system.
I had a 2013 Ford Fusion that Ford Sync system is legit.
I believe it’s powered by Microsoft and great great great sound system, great navigation system, it’s a great vehicle yeah, they do say Biggers, always better right.
So, let’s move on how about sajo people.
Let me help you, that’s beautiful, that’s a beautiful vehicle and what you know.
What I like about you can control the air-conditioning system in the back.
That’s very important! Yes, this go for guys.
I can’t hear you if you’re talking, but I missed the price on this.
If you said it, could you repeat it nice, I like riding high? This is like I like it pretty roomy.
I love the roominess of it third row seat.
You mentioned Wow.
Why is $ 41 Wow? I missed that whole part.
You can take the seats out.
I knew no.
This pretty cool and nick is going to demonstrate that his back keep them so hernia nick keep bragging about the 41 pounds guys they pull the baby out come on.
Show us your muscles.
Take a look over there there’s some good people – hey Richie Bella, but once you start talking about theirs, how they kind of run and scatter like termites, they started off finance manager.
Okay, write a book, okay, I’ve seen and I’ve been doing this for a long time.
I’ve seen people that I said you know this may be okay.
Let me stage this.
You guys, stop! Let Ryan go in front of.
You looks better to get a walking shot in five.
Four three two one continues minivan.
You got me the coffee, okay, okay, I’m gon na check on my phone and see if I got ta charge cuz, I haven’t seen anything commenting yeah.
Let’s do that.
Let’s definitely do that.
Let’s, let’s come around, I’m just impressed with the lot I mean you’re, gon na you’re.
Definitely gon na turn.
This up it is you have an elevator dealership, amazing, oh my god, Richie Bello is a mighty nice! Fellow, let me tell you this is a brave dealership too long and quiet one second, listen to that! Damn chairs here! This is an amazing deal, oh baby, by two car, oh wow.
I agree 100 %.
Thank you and thank you so much for the phone charts.
I got a few.
Oh, I got 6 % now.
I still have more details about you becoming the CEO and all that all right, good.
This man is the best he’s like The Love Guru all right.
I know you don’t like being on camera, but waiting for Nick to give us the cue cute, and what is he setting up the inside oh yeah, he’s gon na come right out was impressive, even the branding of the store look, the phone number preowned Supercenter Nick, Did tell me that they shoot for a hundred percent approval rate.
They also have backed over 800 vehicles, they’re part of a big group very important stuff.
If you see something on the website of this dealership and you don’t, they don’t have what you want sure enough.
Make a phone call to Nick and he can make a call and how most I can get you the car.
You know I always tell people in a dealer group like this.
You can get a vehicle with a 72 96 hours, sometimes even quicker, because we’re here on the island and again you got everything from cars are 49.
95 all the way up to you know thirty, forty thousand and up I just you know, I’m looking at the Mercedes Benz that we talked about you know we looked at some cars, I’m looking at a couple of Chevy’s, very big inventory and they’re.
Taking to the next level.
Nikki gives done a good job, I’ve known Nick for a long time now, Nikki’s come from another dealership and he’s very personable he’s got a good reputation.
Does the right thing by his customers – and I stand by that – I wouldn’t be talking about if it wasn’t true.
So I highly recommend you guys really need to come and check out this dealership.
I believe we’re in Port Jefferson, that’s name of the town North Shore Certified come on in there’s, nothing better than being more to people watching.
I just got that’s amazing back.
I think.
That’s a record! Well, I know it’s so weird be without a phone, but it’s a few minutes.
I’m gon na get some coffee right ahead.
I heard you got good coffee with milk or half and half.
Thank you with the straw, thanks fans coming.
Yes, all these ask here, you know an auto dealer new seriously.
We are behind the scenes in front.
I got to be honest, I’m kind of using you a little bit today using me for what, because you have a mic, I don’t know exactly I closed.
I did that once oh yeah, yeah, yeah weirdest thing Irish people loved.
I got to walk around and hold Jill’s ring that God thinks to be worse.
I know right.
Consider your pad gentlemen.
Well, I’m getting my yeah, let’s check it out, you know coffee’s for closers new receptionist.
She is bilingual.
Probably one of the smartest girls I have ever met what language do you speak? Okay, perfect, very important, very important, also close to a lot of other language.
Yes, that may come in handy this is Mike Mike has worked with me for over a year now, okay, Mike just just a little something that you know in there over a year that I’ve worked with Mike, never missed a day and there’s never even been late.
Wow one time he texted me, he was gon na be five minutes later everything was okay.
He still beat me a great addition.
That’s expensive, Coulter is everything.
I talked abouts all time you guys cultures.
I were to magical George agreed.
There is nobody, nobody that he cannot get approved.
I looked at somebody’s credit recently and said you know what this one’s gon na be a little tough, give it to George ten minutes later close me to saw he’s like alright and they get their insurance.
Let’s get the plates going, we’re gon na get them on the road and they drove out that day.
So I love it.
This is George George, how our staff, our finance department, that’s helping us, take charge of the industry, we’re doing bitter in the store.
Then then, the story’s done before, okay and it’s a it’s a whole new regime and we’re very happy very happy very excited things are going up and they’re always going big watch.
George, the Greek, oh, my goodness, Wow like a like a hubcap, is that we call it a rim.
My beauty is back.
Put that heck.
George doesn’t wear glasses, that’s how you know he’s great at it.
It’s rockin socks around their neck, very important when you go to one percent on the back and even when you guys come here, make sure to speak, to George, make sure to ask him about how you can protect your investment.
Listen we’re in New York.
We do have potholes happen here in there.
You do what you definitely went asking about tire and wheel protection.
You want to ask him about an extended service contract, yeah, very, very important.
He does more than just get you approved in sign you up.
He offers you protection for your vehicle because at the end of day you need to protect your vehicle, but just make sure you ask, because I know that there’s people out there writing things like, oh, don’t buy.
This don’t buy that here’s the thing I’ve been those 15 years and I’ve had many cars, and let me tell you something: tire and wheel protection.
I have a Nissan Maxima, no joke four times.
I changed my tire three months ago, four times, because one tire got flat.
I hit a nail here, you know there.
These are very important things, so just don’t be ignorant to the fact pay attention save.
You know deductible, it’s very important, very important stuff.
I just had to mention app, it’s very important, all right thanks pleasure, yeah, no problems, no problem.
So what else do we have here in the showroom? I mean? Look, I just love the showroom, for I mean I can see they have the their inventory list here.
It’s just a really nice dealership, not many pre-owned dealerships have facilities like this, so this is a genuine treat and what’s nice is.
I could see that they’re part of a group, so Nissan 112 Chevrolet Smithtown Riverhead Nissan Drew Brad Hyundai and he signed a Westbury, auto and USA.
These are all the dealerships in the family so, like I said, if they don’t have a vehicle that you’re looking for they’ll get you something you know, there’s definitely opportunity there and who do we have here Vinnie? How are you I’m Stan nice to meet? You meet.
You good, how are you good tell us, tell us a little bit about yourself.
Vinnie serves, as my personal assistant also makes, the best coffee and you’re certified, but really guys.
Thank you so much for allowing us to come down here today.
We had an amazing time which is awesome.
Now we need the people to come in and start by, they will and in closing stay on anything you want to have like.
I said it’s a very exciting dealership: there’s not many dealerships like it and I’ve been to dealership so over the country, and they said I know Nick for a long time.
So he’ll do the right thing by you.
I recommend it no matter what you’re looking for price range being model year mileage, we have it and we will get you awesome well.
Thank you guys.
So much so once again, auto dealer news here, Richie fellow great, to be back guys.
Thank you so much and we’ll be back next week with more and anyone that needs to get in contact with North Shore certified obviously you’re in Port Jeff Station Long Island give us the phone number 63124, eight zero, 99 or online at www.
gov awesome.
Thank you.
So much guys have a great weekend, happy TGIF, don’t text and drive the moment it matters.
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