yeah, okay, great thanks, hello, folks, those of yours or not to be a facebook live today.
It several read off the read method inside a podcast, just getting ready here to start our episode 42 with mister Eikenberry, Kevin Eikenberry.
So we’ll do our formal introductions for the the audio of the podcast, and I can hear you okay, but one of the audience yeah.
You know I mean it’s gon na it’s gon na it’s gon na yeah, awning it yours for a seconds give the binder and the sleepy yeah and as long as your phone yeah, then it’s good yeah, yeah yeah, then we’re good all right, perfect! Welcome everybody to the read method inside a podcast, it’s episode, number 42 and today we’ll be talking about how to master the arc off remote sales of remote sales through sales, leadership, remote sales leadership.
It’s a big deal today in many industries worldwide, and you know I I actually have some eight years of experience, travel in the continent all across North America and in doing sales and and marketing.
You know with a remote sales team, so I’m here today and we’re here in studio today for episode 42 to learn from an expert who will give us a lot of great tips and strategies on being successful on how to manage sales teams in business remotely across The world so with without further ado, Kevin Eikenberry is the founder and chief potential officer.
I love your title.
Kevin chief attends to the higher officer off the Kevin Eikenberry group he’s been named, one of eight Magazine’s top 100 leadership and management experts in the world.
Folks, so you good guest on here tonight so make sure you list it and is the author of several books, including the remarkable leadership, Kevin and Wei internal, have co-authored a recent book authorized guide to lead in remote sales team and there it is folks on the Screen the long distance leader rules for remarkable remote leadership and in this episode and that’s why tonight we’re very happy to have Kevin on the show tonight, as he shares his expertise and how to master the art of remote sales leadership.
So welcome to the show Kevin.
I’m glad to be with you, you know, I’ve been I’ve, been writing writing about leadership and working with leaders for many years and this book I’m excited about because I’m also doing it every day.
So I’ve got a team of folks spread across the United States and a few off few folks that work here in this building, no one’s here now except me, but some that work here and some that don’t and some that are never here in some of their Here some of the time – and I think that’s the world – that a lot of people find themselves living in these days, they most certainly do and kudos to you staff as well.
They were very good and keeping in touch and they’re very professional from the contact.
The young lady I’ve been dealing with I’ll make sure she knows yes, so so congratulations on that he sounds like, and I’ve checked all your websites, those of you folks, can go to Kevin.
I can Barry calm right, yep Kevin.
I can very calm.
It’s a great place to go well perfect, so here we go folks.
We want to talk about how to master the art of remote sales leadership and to run sales teams and businesses remotely all across the world, and it’s a very relevant topic today in in business and in sale.
So we’ll jump into this right away with with Kevin on what led you to specialize in this segment off remote leadership, communication and team management.
Well, we’ve been in the leadership development business for a very long time, and I think what led us to this particular book and for us to create the remote leadership institute, which is a part of our one of the brands in our business, is the fact that We, this is where we are, and a lot of people sort of didn’t realize like it’s like you walk into your office one day and there’s offices here and there’s offices there and some people have some of their people in and some of their aren’t.
But it’s not like they’re.
Never there they’re there sometimes twice a week, they’re there right, and then you notice that half of your team is never there, and so we’ve found ourselves in a world where most people, many many folks, are leading teams that are remote.
Now, in some industries, we’ve still got folks on a shop floor and everyone’s there more and more and and this genie is out of the bottle more and more.
This is what’s the world’s going to look like is people leading teams that not everyone’s in the same place and so as a part of our work and helping leaders we felt like this was that this was the right time to bring this book to the world, Because no one’s really written this book that was really talking about it and quite this way, and so we’re excited to have a chance to share with leaders around the world about how to do this better excellent.
So have you been yourself a remote sales person or or manager? How much have how much time have you spent out there grinding it so to speak? Well, I was a sales pretty well, so let’s, let’s put it this way.
First of all, my business is almost 25 years old and it doesn’t matter how big the business is.
I’m a salesperson so there’s 25 years and before that several years when my title was salesperson, when I worked at a fortune ten, so I led I worked as a salesperson calling on people remotely that weren’t all nearby.
I didn’t see them all every day and then I had the chance to just to sell remotely from a corporate office for a while, and then I’ve been leading I’ve been selling and leading a sales team as a part of my overall organization.
For a very long time, so this has been a huge shift, and this is you know, I remember when it started, or I could remember when colleagues of mine started working remotely and they’d say your work.
You know I’m working from home today and I’m like how do you get to work from home? You know that must be nice and you know, how do you have the discipline to get out Dress, get prepared? It goes into the computer, you know and and route out, the distractions and kids or other relatives and people hanging around.
How does that really work? Well, you know.
The interesting thing is that most of the research actually proves that people are more productive working from home than they are in the office.
So, yes, you described some distractions that clearly can be there and yeah people need to need to get focused and there’s some things that we could talk about about how they set up their office and setting up ground rules with everyone at home and all that.
But beyond that, if I often will ask people so have you ever worked the week between Christmas and New Year’s in the office and people go yeah and they get this big smile on their face? What’s that, like Samantha, I got more.
We’ve done that week than any other week of the year.
Why? Well, I wasn’t distracted there weren’t a bunch of people interrupting me all day long and so the people working from home that’s every day right I mean yeah they’re, getting some email and such, but the fact is: there’s no one popping over their cubicle there’s, not there’s Not 25 people interruptions, there’s not hey.
There’s, there’s cake in the break room.
There’s got any of that now.
There’s some downsides to some of that.
The fact is that most of the research says we’re actually more productive at home, yeah, there’s people that may have to work on their discipline.
They have to set up some ground rules and that sort of thing, of course, but everything else being equal, feel actually very productive at home, because they’ve got fewer distractions and they often work more hours, they actually good or bad.
They often work the time they would have otherwise been commuting through all that Toronto traffic exactly yeah and that sometimes we use it as an excuse, but it is, it is absolutely real, so listen! We.
We absolutely can appreciate that, and especially when you’re working from home.
It’s all the ceaseless solicitations on your time.
Smoke breaks, coffee breaks, everybody talking about what happened over the weekend.
You know everybody’s got a story especially on Monday morning.
So – and you know those who talk about sports teams and their favorite, this and favorite that and by the time you when you take a look hours, have gone by and the productivity.
So we know that in North America there’s huge productivity loss with distractions and P in their offices.
How has has anyone done any type of comparison or comparative with field field reps, so to speak, versus the productivity of office reps? Well, so I can’t.
I can’t speak to two sales specifically in this regard, but but Harvard Business Review did a study that really got at that exact point about productivity and, as I said earlier, the research shows that people are more productive working from home than in the office.
However, we got to put a big asterisk besides that and in sales this may be okay, but but the big asterisk is this people get really productive about the work that they see as being theirs.
People can get very insular and they can get very personally siloed.
So if, if I’m doing that, work and I’m and I’m making sales calls great, and yet I still am a part of this team back in the office, and I still need to make sure that I’m connected with and collaborating with other people on the team.
The folks that are assisting me in the sales process, maybe there’s some some technical folks and if I get too insular, even though I may think I’m getting a lot done, there’s stuff that I’m missing and that’s the job of the leader to set a clearer set Of expectations neverold about what it is that the job really is, and so as long as we take care of that and we we can help people think through the collaboration piece.
Then we can have.
We can have much.
We can have big productivity gains from people working from home, so in this research, when you and your quarter are putting the book together, did you come across any you know any issues or challenges that one would find or what’s the most common challenge that one finds Managing a team remotely from thousands or hundreds of miles away.
Well, there are, there are some.
There are lots of challenges and I was on a webinar earlier today with several hundred people and – and I asked that question and they kept flowing in right.
So there are lots of challenges.
The biggest ones really get are around.
I think four things: how do I communicate better with those folks at a distance? How do I coach those people at a distance? How do I build relation ships with those people at a distance, and how do I help collaboration help happen, as we already talked about a little bit, so I think most of the issues end up falling into those four categories: communication, coaching relationship, building, trust building, etc, And collaboration – and you know we can take all of those things and talk about them very directly as it relates to a sales rep and the relationships and the communications they need to have with those with their customers as well.
So those I think most of the biggest challenges fall into those four areas.
So how do you manage teamwork? Then teamwork is a big part of any company’s success and when the team is spread thin, how is that managed differently to say yeah? We still have a team well, so, first of all, as long as long as we have a common purpose – and everyone understands that common purpose, then we can say we truly can have need to have a team.
We don’t have a group of individual contributors out there.
We really do need a team, so that’s the first thing, but once we get past that, then it really comes down to the leader having very clear expectations with each individual and with the team as a whole.
Now that would be true for any leader any time, but mostly, we think about expectations around.
What’s the work, what’s the quality of the work and that’s what we, how we define? What’s the quota or whatever right now, the difference when the team members or some of the team members are remote is that we need expectations around the.
How so we need expectations about how we’re going to communicate what tools were going to use the frequency that we’re going to use the the importance of that collaboration? Why that collaboration matters? So we’ve got to have a broader conversation and clearer mutual expectations with everybody about what success in this job really is see.
There are lots of folks that are good salespeople, but a leader would say, but they’re not really doing a great job because they’re they see their job as sales being this, and the leader sees their job as bigger than that right and, and so that is harder For people to see that bigger box, that is the real job, is harder for people to see when they’re out there by themselves.
So they don’t see the inner workings, they don’t see those interconnections, and so it becomes our job as even more clear about about making that all clear for people nice it to.
The next question is: how do you know when you’re hiring someone that they would potentially be a good fit or good field sales, rep or a good leader? I think there’s two things as it relates to what what do we need to do differently about hiring when people are remote when they’re going to be working remotely versus when they’re gon na work in the office, and I think the two big issues one is: we Need to do the sort of the standard stuff that we would do in any interview around recognizing that that’s now part of the job, so part of the interview should be about that stuff right.
Have you worked from home before? Have you dealt with that? Can you discipline yourself get up and get out of your bunny slippers, etc, etc? Right so there’s there’s some interview, questions that you want to include recognizing that the work is gon na be different right.
Have you do experience with it? What’s that going to look like what has your experience been? How successful have you been all of that stuff? That’s pretty simple and straightforward.
The other piece is this: I’m gon na be needing to communicate with that remote person and so part of the interview process ought to be done remotely I mean, even if the person you’re gon na hire, is in Toronto and then they’re you’re gon na send them Off to Calgary or something right, yes and then part of the interview, though shouldn’t all be in the office, because after that they’re not going to be in the office, so we ought to be having the conversation using webcams like you, and I are doing right now.
So that how comfortable are they with that? How well I mean, did they? Can they manage the technology I mean? Certainly they can learn that, but we need to get a sense for how comfortable they are using the tools and the technology I’m going to incorporate it in their own space.
I’m going to incorporate some email communication, so I can get a sense of how effective they are in email.
I’m gon na do some things that start to give me a clue in real life about how they’ll operate in that way and then, if that person is gon na be leading remotely, then there’s obviously some leadership questions in there as well.
But fundamentally I need that.
I need I need to expand my bank of interview, questions to talk about that reality, yeah and I need to put them in the situation and give and have a chance to observe and judge based on that.
So what would you say are some of the mistakes that leaders would make in this process and the potential hire or sales person or field person would make well one of the mistakes that the sales leader or the sales manager might make? Is the person says they worked remotely or they think? Oh, that’s.
Fine people are gon na work from home, and then they don’t really give them any coaching.
There’s no real support or resources for helping them set themselves up to succeed at home.
Now, depending on the nature of the work there may be, someone show up with technology to set up a laptop and blah blah blah all that, but there’s more than that, like giving them some guidance about how to set the ground rules and expectations.
Everybody else at home and there’s the door closed and all that stuff, as well as expectations around how to shut down as opposed to just keep working.
So I think, there’s a there’s a bunch of stuff that leaders can do to help people be successful when they’re doing it remotely when maybe they haven’t before that’s the first thing that I would say is that we got it.
We got to help them be successful.
In that regard, then, we got to set really clear expectations about what we want them to do once they’re there and then from from the sales person in the field person’s perspective.
What is one common mistake that they make that the ones that typically don’t make it past probation or they don’t last? What’s typically that the one thing that kills the whole process? Well, I would say two things.
One is the same thing that kills the process.
If they’re in the in the office – and that is having having good discipline skills, having good skills of focus and that sort of thing right so that I think doesn’t necessarily change regardless of where someone’s sitting.
But I think the other one that gets in the way is they get again.
They get so insular and they’re so focused on themselves that they lose sight of the fact that they are on a sales team.
They are a part of a larger group.
They also may not make it through because they haven’t figured out how to or tried to find a mentor if you’re working in a sales team in an office you typically most people, are savvy enough to find somebody that they can sort of cozy up to to Learn the ropes from to have be a mentor right, informal or formal mentor, and if we’re not setting that up as the leader for them or making that happen, when they’re out there and not seeing anybody, it may be harder for them to even remember they ought To or to be proactive enough to go, make it happen yeah, and that happens a lot too.
I see that happen a lot in in dealership in the auto dealership in space that I work in, where salespeople are hired and they’re pretty much thrown to the Wolves to fend for themselves.
Here’s your desk, yeah yeah, there’s your office or desk there, the cars and they’re the brochures, and you know you’re kind of on your own, so yeah that does happen and that’s reality and it’s up to the salesperson or they new hire to say look.
You know.
Let me find that that mentor or who’s the number-one guy here who’s, the manager that I can meet with and you know, pick pick their brain to learn from what books should I read what courses should I take? What it is that I watch so it’s no different if you’re working remotely is the discipline – and you and I are we’re – always mean I got a day job, but I go home and I work and nobody tells me what to do and I still haven’t them.
One, so it’s the discipline, obviously well and again, when they’re, when they’re remote, some of those things that might happen more naturally or more simply just won’t unless that person is really proactive right.
Some of the people that are watching or listening to us are that proactive person, because they’re watching or listening to us right, but the mistake that we make those of us who are more highly self-motivated, who are high producers, who are lifelong learners forget, is that not Everybody operates that way, so we can’t just let that person go out and be successful like we might have, because they may not and doesn’t make them less of a possible success if it just means that we can’t assume everyone sees the world the way we see It and again that’s just exacerbated if the person is not going to be around other salespeople they’re going to be out on their own, exactly so with the advancement with technology and video technology and screen share and just like we’re doing, many people are telling working so To speak remotely – and we all know that it can work in inbound sales or simple product transactional calls.
But how do you maintain authenticity and connection when you speak over the phone to build consultive relationships? Well, I do that today, some of the time right now.
It’s not my full-time job, because I’ve got the tow business to run and podcasts to be on and the extra writing all those sorts of things.
But I’m doing that today and if I go back into my history as we talked about briefly, I did that before and I think the key is here’s.
The first thing I would say, but when I was doing it before all I had was a phone well and a fax machine.
Remember what those are folks, if you don’t know what it is just google it everybody you can find it makes it funny noise and all, but the thing that we have now that I think most sales people probably aren’t using enough is what we’re doing right now, Which is the webcam, because the webcam is the next best thing to be in across the table? Yeah, that’s right now you know you and I had a phone conversation a week or so ago, and then we had never met and now we’ve been on this conversation and it’s different, we can see each other’s body language.
We can see the smiles we can see when we have a better chance of not interrupting each other in this context, but just having those cues and those clues, and so I tell you what I believe that hi producers are gon na, be figuring out how to Use these technologies not just to do a sales presentation right, so I can show them the PowerPoint slides, there’s a whole conversation there on its own yeah, but because that how do I build the relationship by connecting with people in multiple ways? Right? And we want to be using multiple technologies to do that.
Sending emails, of course, handwritten notes for sure phone calls, of course, but also using these kinds of technologies.
So we can.
We can build trusting relationships in connection and have more effective communication yeah, and it took me a while to get used to and familiar with all this technology.
But you just need to start and, yes, you will make some mistakes initially and they may not work and it may crash and burn for a couple of times.
But if you keep doing it, it’s no different than getting used to a regular laptop or your cell phone.
Eventually you’ll, you know you’ll be an expert at it.
I mean I’m no expert by any means.
That’s why I’m in a studio where somebody else is pushing the buttons but but but let me say, let me say two things about that.
Sometimes people say, oh, I don’t want.
I don’t like be on the webcam and there’s some people who don’t like to be on the webcam because they’re working from home – and they don’t really want people to know that there were in there a CDC t-shirt.
There’s all messed up right and you know there’s some advantages for people working at home.
If that’s the case, but if the expectation is we’re going to use our webcam fire up our webcams, then people need to recognize that it’s just like coming to work and they can still have didn’t.
You know you don’t know what I’m wearing below here right, but but here’s the other thing, the other piece of that is that people say well.
I don’t like to look at myself.
Well, so don’t look at the other person right.
Just look at the other person.
I actually believe there’s some value in occasionally being able to look at yourself, because you can get a little bit of feedback on how you know do I look like I’m paying attention.
Look like I’m engaged, but really my focus is on you and not on me.
I happen to see myself if I want make sure that my hands are going way out of the screen or that kind of thing.
But that’s the thing then, the other part about the technology itself is.
You know when, if, if you take on a new sales role and you’re gon na be working remotely, then make sure you know that which technology your company is using and then practice with a teammate and it’s those three or four bad ones.
Out of the way before you get on with us with a sales call with a customer, I mean that all should almost should go without being said, and yet it happens all the time.
People don’t really know how to use the technology and then oh, I got to have this sales meeting.
I’ve got to have this presentation and then I’m trying to figure it out on the fly.
Let’s just wise.
Well I’ll, be nice, it’s just not wise! So do a little practice.
I think one of the the other examples or benefits of doing this and practice in too is you get to see yourself in a professional light, and you get to work on yourself whether you address differently.
You know position yourself how you look, how you listen.
I think it tells you it gives you a learning experience as well and flues, as you know how to present yourself to somebody else.
Well, I’d use it to think about as a development tool pretty much any one of these tools like what you and I are using now or any others that you would have any organization have a button that you can push for cord, and so that gives you The event of the advantage of hitting record, of course, if it’s with a customer, you want to make sure they’re.
Ok with that, but I’m even though just in those practice sessions hit that record, then you can go back and watch it and and give yourself some feedback and do some personal coaching with yourself as well.
So, as a renowned speaker and multi time offer how many books have you probably snapped by the way, this is, I think, number five or six, and then I’m a contributing author to about twenty others.
Okay, so I got one two three.
I think this is six well.
I have some catching up to do to you, so that’s, okay.
I’ve only got one out and I’m working on my second.
So so the way you say that is you always so anyone listening? This is the way you say you say my latest if it could be your first, but it’s also your latest nice there’s something to be already there.
You go.
How is it – and so that’s a great question for a multi time, author and a renowned speaker that you’ve seen a number of workplace challenges with fewer people if more work and remotely there’s fewer people in the offices and sometimes more turnover? So how can leaders you know, go through this breakneck pace of delivering better results, or do they deliver better results when more out in the field remotely rather than around? Well they can they don’t necessarily, I mean we believe.
Obviously we wrote a book about.
It called the long distance leader we believe that they can, but there’s certainly many that aren’t right, because, if any as as complex and difficult as leadership is – and it is you right – it’s even more so when folks aren’t all in the same place, and so it Really does tax the skills of leaders to another level to do this well at a distance and not just having everyone down the hall.
So is it possible to have a high productivity and be an effective leader and have low turnover and great results? Of course it is no guarantee, and if you’re, not thinking about the nuances, the kind of things we’re talking about tonight tonight, it’s not likely so typically it.
So it sounds like the type of people that would be in the field are leaders.
You know themselves that the the the ideal respond, the the ideal personality – would be somebody that does not requires very little supervision.
You know that is obviously disciplined committed.
You know all oriented all those things are gon na help.
That’s for sure right because it’s gon na prove the likelihood, but those are the same things I would want out of someone sitting down the hall from me.
Yes, but you know, I find that along I’ve seen sales sales sales floors and teams hire people just because they need people as well.
Yeah yeah, you know interesting, a warm body right yeah.
We need to.
We need to let that you know let the place.
Look like either there’s people working here and there be.
The offices are full.
So if you were to give advice to you know at I mean you’re on ink Magazine’s, top 100 sales, leader, coaches and authors.
If you were to give advice to companies in the top 100, what sort of leadership advice would you offer that would say guarantee some results? Yes, so the last part of the book really does talk about that organizational question and I think that I, you think here’s the key top organizations have they’re doing something to develop their leaders and to which we applaud and say go for it, and I don’t and Very very few are addressing the differences of doing it remotely right.
So while you may have a robust leadership development process, you you need to make sure that you’re addressing the kinds of things that we’re talking about in this book, the kinds of things about how do i? What do i have to do differently to communicate with my team members, when I don’t see him all the time? What do I have to do differently when I’m coaching someone who’s who’s, not across the hall, those kinds of things, the kinds of things we’ve been talking about in this call? How do I use the technology effectively? So it’s it’s organization setting a new set of expectations and providing the skills to help people to meet those expectations.
So is the sales manager or a leader ask in the type of questions like how many calls did you make today? You know how many sales do you make or are they asking the type of question that said, tell me about that particular client that you met.
How did that go? Well, I would hope at some level they have that the first pieces of information and without having to ask that question, I’m making it you like it’s a big old micromanagement mess and hopefully the coaching is much more about the ladder right and the most more.
The conversations are about to ladder, so, what’s working, how do I, where do you, need some help? What are the? What are the new challenges? You’re? Getting? Are you getting objections we haven’t had before what kinds of what kinds of help do you need? You know how did that call go? How did it go in comparison? The way you were expecting? What would you do differently the next time and we could have asked a hundred kinds of coaching questions just a few off the top of my head yeah, and so I would like to hope that we’ve got a process where I, as as the leader of a Remote team or down the hall that I don’t have to ask you how many calls you made today? I’ve got a way to track that absolutely look at it.
If I need to so so that we can have a question.
Have a conversation that’s much more than just transactional exo.
We can have a real developmental conversation and open up the door for the conversation that you need as that as the salesperson or as the remote team member to get what you need from the boss.
Yes, which is leadership and you know, share enough responsibility exactly and help so in your research and and all the leadership talks that you’ve done and all the shows that you’ve been on.
Have you found that there’s one set of employees that are happier than others or is there productivity? That’s better, is it do they last longer? Do they do they? You know, have a longer shelf-life.
Have you come out with any of those? I think that there are, there are an awful lot of people that would like to work from home.
It’s kind of a grass is always greener scenario.
It’s a lot of you would like to work from home and then once they get there say, I’m not sure is really what I want.
I think there’s some people self-aware enough to say: that’s not what I want yeah right.
So I don’t think that we can.
I don’t have any data or can point can point to no studies, not to say they don’t exist, but I’m not aware of them that say that engagements higher or whatever inside versus out or all that.
I will say this, however, that if we’re not doing a good job as a leader, especially with our folks who are remote, the chances of them leaving goes up and here’s.
Why? Because the number one reason people voluntarily leave a job is that they fire their boss.
Mm-Hmm, no matter where they work right.
So, if we’re not doing a good job of leading, especially if they’re remote, they’re more likely to be looking and in the world, currently a full employment right and in in North America, I mean there are jobs out there and headhunters have told us man, you.
Let us talk to someone who’s working remotely they’re an easy one to pick off, because, especially if the boss things not working so great and they may not feel as connected to the rest of the team and if I can get them to go to work for Company, why, instead of company X, I mean they’re still working from home, like the barriers to change are much lower, they don’t have to change their commute.
They don’t have to change their daycare, they don’t change anything.
They get a different laptop and every login and they’re ready to go exactly, and so there are some lower barriers right to people leaving now I’m not saying that we should be scared of letting our folks go remote because they’re all gon na run away.
I’m not saying that, but what I am saying is that, if we’re not doing a good job of leading them, we may we it.
There may be risks there that we haven’t thought about.
So, with all the data and the 25 years plus experience in the books make it B sound all hey, listen, I’m I’ve been in sales 28 years and absolutely my late 40s.
I just started early, so I’m sure you all right.
No! No! So it’s all good! Three takeaways, if you were to, we always try to wrap up each episode with three.
You know, maybe one or two, but what are you know a couple of really good takeaways that you’d say? Okay, if you were to have ultimate success as a leader as a remote leader or remote sales person here, here’s what I would do, here’s what I’d look for.
I’m gon na focus on three things: for them.
I’m gon na focus on the leader.
If you’re leading a remote team here are three things that I want you to do number one is: I want you to turn off your email and fire up your webcam and numbered more often right and number two.
The second thing I want you to do is to be to realize that you have to be more intentional about almost everything, a lot of things that you might get get some grace from people in the office.
You’re, not people, don’t even see you, they don’t know.
So every interaction has greater impact because there’s fewer of them right.
So if you make a mistake, it’s going to take you longer to overcome that and vice versa.
So I fire up the webcam more, be more intentional and be super clear about your expectations with people.
Not only about what they need to do, but how they’re gon na do it? If you do those three things, you’ll be heading in the right direction: it’s not going to get you all the way over there, but it’s gon na get better start and then step number four buy the book.
The long-distance leaders right and people can people just need to go to long distance, leader book.
com, in fact, if they go to long distance, either book.
com four slash podcast we’ve got some special gifts for people because they listen to us, but you can buy the book anywhere.
You want anybody, are those people for those people who are listening live if you buy the book, then the next couple of days on Friday we’re doing a live Q, a call with Wayne – and I and if you buy the book and go register for some other Free bonuses at long-distance leader, book, calm, you’ll, get access to that live, live call we’re gon na, do what’s gon na be 100 percent your questions and we’re looking forward to doing that in Friday.
I love it so there you go folks.
Some great gifts, some great tools to help you to advance your career and questions.
You can ask Kevin questions in it and is co-author on Friday right on your webinar, absolutely great, so Kevin um, unless you have any final takeaway is this – is this has been great.
I’ve certainly learned a lot, it’s a great topic of discussion for the audience as we try to keep.
You know, delivering excellence in in advice in ideas from great thought, leaders and authors and public figures like yourself from all over the world.
So I am thank you very much number one for you reaching out and for everything that you’re doing in contributing to to everyone.
Well, it’s been a pleasure to be with you and and if there’s ever anything, I can do to help anybody.
Just let us know, and again it’s a pleasure and an honor to be on your show Thanks.
Well, thank you very much folks.
You’ve been listening to the reed method inside a podcast and we’ve been live on facebook life with mr.
Kevin I can vary and the website is Kevin.
Eikenberry, calm, right Kevin.
I can break ah man, long distance leader, book.
There you go and the book is called the long distance leader correct awesome.
Well, thank you so much Kevin for being on the show.
Folks, you gon na listen to episode 42, where Kevin and I have been talking about how to lead remotely and how to master the art of remote sales leadership and to deliver ultimate great results, both personally and in business.
So, thank you very much Kevin and we’ll look forward to talking to you.