Good morning to you, it must be 5 a.
m: eastern standard time on this beautiful tuesday of january of 2021, because it’s time for partisans, i’m your host, brad and artisan president champion strategies where we try to help out all of our brothers and sisters, whether it’s major Account key account up and down the street in home sales retail sales for automotive sales, so you’re trying to get dressed to get going so, let’s get into it today, i want to touch on the importance of credibility.
Why is credibility in our field of sales and sales training so important? Let’s examine a little bit deeper.
The english dictionary defines credibility as the quality of being trusted and believed.
In now, there are many traits that can help us become successful.
If you’re going to want to stand out in the crowd and with the niche we choose, we need to focus on some fundamental, credible elements.
Credibility is in a way a higher bar than success.
It means potential prospects, can look at you as a reliable resource and decision maker.
It allows those who rely on us to know that they can count on us trust us and do business with us and ultimately align with us being credible means fostering a set of special, specific qualities.
If you’re serious about establishing yourself as credible in the field, then think of these things, are you trustworthy, consistent 100 of the time when it comes to dealing with the guests? Are you competent become an expert in the field? If you’re not be consistent to everything, we do say and stay consistent, this only happens from the inside out be genuine.
We need to authentically create some cultivability when it comes to credibility, cultivability to credibility, winning trust isn’t about a fake it until you make it approach.
Be sincere.
Credibility means sincerity, is not what you think what you mean.
We cannot claim it.
We have to be it.
Unmovable and always forwarded is the only thing that matters to a guest.
That’s where the experience by the customer comes in be respectful, treat everybody with respect, not because we expect something, but because we know they deserve it.
It’s the people’s respect that earns us.
Our credibility.
Also be accountable, you know as well as i do that’s the worst thing for a whole lot of people, because we like to point fingers saying this is what kept me from podium be loyal.
Our credibility grows when we serve customers in our best interest results and our customers commitment to our success.
We must develop a reputation for speaking with candor and honesty.
Transparent is the fundamental keystone and the core success of credibility.
Be principled, don’t compare ourselves to others because you’re, not in the principled person we are holding the values that we believe the customers would like to see.
Now i can continue more on the next video, but you folks need to get in and get out the door make it a great tuesday on this 23rd day of 2021 and as always in parting, you go out and you make it a champion day.