Then there’s sales by the day for you today is Scylla that they really picked up on the last week’s BST.
Yes, so I guess you could say this is yes, yes, part and just to bring you up to speed.
We said that for years, people and sales people, or maybe us as sales people, have backed people in the corners with you ask questions when someone starts in with this line a question, we usually recognize it.
We start to get uncomfortable a little anxious because we’re wondering where these yeses are taking us and what we’re going to end up committing ourselves to.
If we continue on saying yes in fact, Chris boss, in his book noticeable, the difference says, there’s three types of yeses: there’s the confirmation.
Yes there’s a counterfeit, yes and then there’s a commitment.
Yes, no most sales people are shooting or hoping for the commitment.
Yes, but most the time we’re getting the counterfeit yes customers, yes, here this line of questioning they kind of want to know where you’re going plus the way you frame the questions hurt for them not to say yes, so they continue on.
However, as I said, there’s a lot of anxiety and it really makes it to where they can’t even think that much about the real issues at hand, so we want to switch over and start using no questions.
But how do we do that? Well, it comes down to a frame there’s a couple parts of this, so the first part is framing the question so, for example, in the automotive business, when I guess believing we like to say things like well, you do like the carbon, don’t you in the step.
We can just switch it up and just make it another question we can just say: is it that you don’t like the car and they said no, no, here’s what it is and that’s what you’re really after, so what I’m getting at is your chances of them.
Being more honest, with the reasons for not pulling, the trigger will come out more often when you use no questions because they’ll protect it window, no is control for them.
In fact, after they say no, they start to feel kind of good and then sometimes they want to hear more because now, they’ve kind of played it safe and it gives them gives you permission to continue on now.
There’s another part to this to the second part, to that no questions is that you have to now that you have that sincere objection.
What you can do is repeat that back to them and you’re shooting for them to say that’s right after you repeat that back to them, you could say it seems like after listening to you that really the holdup is your sister’s buying the or vehicle that you’re Driving now from you and she’s not going to be down here for a couple weeks, you need to use that money to pay for this new car and then you shut up and they go that’s right.
So that’s what you’re shooting for is that’s right when they say that’s right.
It’s kind of like this Eureka moment it’s it’s this! Finally, someone understands me – and it put you in this goober ultimate rapport with the guest and now you’ve got an opportunity that the both of you and the guests will quit hanging those cards that you guys have been keeping close to your vest and you’ll start to Lay those on the table and now that you’re laying those cards on the table you possibly can collaborate to make a deal that both of you never imagined possible.
So let me give you an example: pick it up on where we were so.
We had investigated and found out the or the guest basically told us, because we use no questions that the guest told us that it was the sister that was the hold up.
So now we can just switch it around and say hey.
You know what I hear.
What I think, what I seems like your sisters will hold up and if it wasn’t for your sister, then you would be moving forward today and so then, what you could do is you could offer up a collaboration.
Just say: hey.
I’ve got an idea.
You guys want the car today.
We obviously would like to deliver the car today and your sister would like to buy your car in two weeks when we do this, what are you going to be selling it to your sister for and then let’s they gave you a number ten thousand dollars.
You know what here’s the best part.
What we can do is this.
We could take it in on trade for ten thousand dollars.
It’s going to do a couple things one it’s going to give you a tax credit, because you’re actually only going to pay money on the difference so you’ll.
Actually, if you’re in the state of Illinois save six and a quarter percent or six hundred and twenty-five dollars on the transaction that you hadn’t originally bargained for, then what we could do is we’ll hold the car to the side.
In two weeks, when your sister comes down to visit, then we can just go ahead and turn around itself over the car for the $ 10,000.
This way you guys get a little bit better tax deal.
You save my six hundred twenty-five dollars from the state.
Your sister still gets to buy the car for the ten thousand dollars.
She can wait, you guys don’t have to wait.
We don’t have to wait.
Everybody comes out ahead, everybody wins that’s a true collaboration and that’s what no can do for you.
Thanks .