Hi brandon hardison president of champion strategies with our ongoing series about public speaking today, we’d like to talk about how to handle the always dreaded q, a question and answer period.

Many presentations that are done by front of the room people today are followed up with question and answer periods to some people.
This can be the most exciting part of the presentation to others.
It can be the worst nightmare.

In fact, there are some presenters who purposely and void the question and answer period, all together below i’m going to share with you some things that i feel you need to be doing.
Listen to the entire question that someone in the audience throws at you by listening to the entire question before you begin to answer any what question that they say too many people start responding to a question before the entire question is even asked not waiting to hear The entire question can result in you providing a response which has nothing to do with the question so face yourself.

Force yourself, plant yourself focus on just listening to the entire question and make sure you understand the question after that.

We want to pause and allow yourself time to value the question and the listening repeat the question out loud to the entire audience.
So they can hear it.
It’s important that everyone hear the question or the answer provided and may not make sense to some people if they can’t hear by repeating the question this will allow you some additional time to evaluate the question and formulate addition response credit.

The person for asking the question you may say something like wow, that’s a great question or glad you asked that question or even i got asked that question by many people over the past year.
One word of caution, though: if you credit one person with asking a question, be sure to credit everyone for asking a question: you don’t want people to feel that their question was not important.
Now respond to the question honestly and the best you can, if you do not know an answer to the question, do not try to fake it be honest.

Tell them you don’t know, but do promise to research the answer and we’ll get back to them later.

Then we have to bridge to the next question by asking this: does that answer your question? Does that answer your question is that the kind of information you were looking for this is critical once they respond to you.
Yes, you now have permission to go on to the next person.

This also gives them one more opportunity to say no and allow them to clarify their question again, so we can repeat the same process all over once again.
Brandon hardison president of champion strategies with our ongoing public speaking workshop and as always in parting, you go out and you make it a champion day.

About Richie Bello

Richie Bello has a vast knowledge of the automotive industry, so most of his services are faced towards automotive dealerships. He couples all his skills with the power of the internet to render even remote services to clients in need of a little brushing

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