Hi bryan hardison president of champion strategies with our ongoing series of public speaking.
Why do i prefer to do public speaking? It has helped me over my career dating way back to sixth grade when the first opportunity to be involved in a play and then doing some debate and leading on.
So i have a soft spot in my heart for public educators, so for those new ones that are going to be going back in the classroom in front of the room very important job.
Teachers need to understand that you set the tone you’re going to be shaping those young minds, so we need to make sure that our skills are good in front of the room, not sitting behind the desk, get up in front of the room manage by walking around The classroom as you’re presenting the materials, so you can see and not see which students are not paying attention, so they need some individual one-on-one, more small group help also for those new supervisors or managers.
Congratulations: another tough job, keep in mind your success and you’ll get it.
If you train your people, whether it’s small group, whether it’s once a week, whether it’s daily one-on-ones work with your people, and you will get your reward – maybe you’re one of those people that we’re told that you’re a great speaker and you wanted to get into it.
And then the covet hit, and now we have this box that we’re looking at yes, it is crowded with a lot of experienced people who used to be doing those conferences, those reunions all of those workshops.
Now everybody is scrambling for a piece that’s on here.
Can you make it sure it’s going to take a little bit more time, but you can do that also, there are people that who would like to do it in a professional manner outstanding.
There are great institutions, two year, four years institutions that just specialize on public speaking.
Please check them out on your favorite search engine or maybe you’re one of those people who just want to peruse through find some youtubes or anything that can help you, because you have gained over your life the discipline to learn on your own without spending the money.
So outstanding, but if public speaking is what you like to do we’re here to help you so we’re going to wind it down today, your presentation is over with, but now it’s time because you allowed in your program an opportunity for the audience for your sales team Members for your students to pose questions, so if there is a q and a session, the way you respond, the questions will have a major effect on what kind of rapport you’ll be able to build with that audience.
If you’re answering questions thoughtfully and respectfully, people will feel that you are taking them seriously, if you can flip if you’re dismissive, if you feel that you have no time for a particular question, that is the wrong way to go, because not only the person that presented You the question, but i guarantee you other people in the room are going to start feeling that it’s not sincere.
Questions may be well an opportunity for you to get your content.
Your explosion, your takeaway piece, understood a little bit better so when they do out leave out of the room, it’s good now.
How do we handle that anytime? Somebody presents you with a question.
Acknowledge him hey.
You know what that is a very good question.
I’m glad you asked me that i think that here’s the most important thing but acknowledge that you heard them.
If someone asks a question that you find either you don’t know the answer to or is going to take your time.
Uh don’t overlook it.
Don’t say you don’t um, some people try to flip it back with another question by saying: well what do you think in the audience uh, you may be able to get something out of it, but the key thing you presented some information.
We talked about preparing your presentation.
There shouldn’t be a question that comes up, that you cannot answer or direct them to do more research on so ground rules at the end of your presentation.
Let the folks know in your own sincere way.
Does anyone have any questions? Now, if no one responds because they didn’t find it excitable, there was nothing interesting to that after about 10 seconds, or so, why don’t you just come back and just generalize it? In other words, when i do this particular presentation, most people often ask and then come up with your question.
I guarantee you, it will break the ice and someone from there will start to fall in and give you a question.
Second thing: do you have to stay in one spot to address the question? Well, this is not a political debate.
You’re not at the press club.
You feel comfortable standing there.
That’s that’s great, but there’s nothing wrong with moving around the room.
I do not understand why teachers why managers do not move more across the stage, even if i came in for a keynote or part of a training session the lesson’s over.
Let me cover the room.
This will allow you not only to answer the question, but now i can move around to see one who has been taking notes.
Who’s been putting you off who’s on their device.
Doing things plus folks know that they’re on point, when you’re moving around any good teacher, any good leader when you manage by moving around people, start paying attention.
Another thing i would suggest is answer questions that sounds like an attack that had came up a few times.
Uh, when someone emailed me and at some point i could say that yeah, you may take it personal, that’s an attack on you but never confront the person in the audience by saying no, i think you’re wrong always affirm what they say.
That’s an interesting point, but here’s another way to look at or a point point well taken.
I might have been too sweeping when i was going over that part.
So let me clarify once again: don’t take it personal, like it’s an attack if you get hit with a question that you feel, how dare they do that to me they’re the audience they were listening to what you said or halfway or trying, depending on how eventful And remember: we already talked about designing a speech researching what you’re putting together, but some folks uh do blow everything at the end by how they address a queue and a also when it comes to q and a’s.
We don’t want to make it another.
40 minutes we hold it to a few questions.
If you need some assistance with that, get some assistance.
If you need to direct them of how the q a is going to work, nothing wrong with that you’re still showing that you are the leader that you are so last thing i’m just going to touch on is how do we deal with complex questions? We listen.
We listen, we make eye contact with the person, throwing the question out and we listen don’t interrupt, listen to what they say analyze in yourself.
What they threw out.
If you need clarification, get some clarification, so you can affirm what they’re saying to you and then answer the question.
A sessions can give you additional business q a sessions will let those students in the class know that you are sincere and there to help them.
Q and a sessions, if you’re a supervisor manager will put you in a different light where individuals will believe that, if you do say you have an open door policy, they have no problem.
Coming to you one on one with a particular situation and remember that’s what you need.
You need their trust and respect if the team is going to succeed and move forward now.
Is it easy? No, it’s not easy.
Are you going to make mistakes? Yes, you’re going to make mistakes, but the thing about public speaking once you find a way to feel confident, and that comes with consistency, because you did practice because i was persistent on the information that i wanted to gather.
But once you’re there believe me it’s one of the most rewarding opportunities that you can ever do for yourself and for the people that are being the audience now.
Some of this makes sense hope it does.
We’ll have another installment for you, the next time once again, brandon hardison president of champion strategies, as always in party you go .